Christmas Photopea Projects

You can get really creative with festive projects using Photopea and learn some really cool skills at the same time. Browse through the projects below. They increase with order of complexity as you go down.

Credit goes to Alison Smith and Allie Cowen on the Fun Photoshop Teachers Group for the lesson idea

Festive Project 1: Create a Festive Social Media post

During this festive project you will learn the following skills:

  1. Choose a suitable high quality copyright free image from these websites: Pixabay, Unsplash

  2. Download and install fonts for your project by exploring this website, and this one, and this one.

  3. Generate a random festive phrase for you project using this website.

  4. Export your completed festive post as a JPEG.

Watch the video below to learn how to create a festive social media post:

Resources: You can use the following copyright free images in your projects or find some of your own. You could even personalise this social media post with a photograph you have taken yourself.

Credit goes to Tonya Skinner from the Fun Photoshop Teachers Group for the lesson idea and resource videos.

Festive Project 2: Create and decorate ginger bread

Create and decorate your own ginger bread by following the two video tutorials below.

  1. Step 1: Create your ginger bread.

  2. Step 2: decorate your ginger bread.

  3. Once your ginger bread person is created your could place it on a plate to really finish it off.

Step 1: Create your ginger bread person

Step 2: Decorate your ginger bread person


Below are the resources your will need to complete the tutorial. Save them to your device.
