
The next stage after creating thumbnails is the sketch. This is similar to thumbnails in that it is often hand drawn. But it is different in that you will be adding far more detail. A sketch is an important stage in the production process of any media product. It will often be created to give other production teams the detail they need to create their part. For example, a photographer will need to see it before spending time taking any photographs.

Task 1: Draw your Sketch

  1. Watch the video above before drawing your sketch.

  2. You need to have drawn some thumbnails first. Make sure you do this before you draw your sketch.

  3. You should look carefully at your thumbnails and choose one or parts of a few ideas that you think would combine together to create a fabulous media product. Once you have decided on this you can then draw the idea bigger and in more detail.

  4. Start by drawing the layout of all images and shapes.

  5. You will need to now make important decisions regarding what the text actually says. You should think really carefully about this. What would engage your audience? You need to make these decisions now BEFORE you start to create your product.


Notice on the example below, how ALL the text has been thought about. Nothing is left vague.

Sketch for a front cover of a magazine

ask 2: Add detail to your sketch

It is important that all important design decisions are recorded on the sketch. If you have created a mood board, you should refer to this now:

  • Colour choices

  • Font styles

  • How it generates meaning (what will it make the audience think?)

  • How it engages the audience (for example, how will it make the audience feel?)

  • How does it meet the purpose?

  • Comment on; representation, genre, themes, narrative,


Pay close attention to how the students below have annotated their sketch. They have made lots of comments about how each part of their design would engage their audience.