LEsson 1: Create a Flipbook

Have you ever wanted to create an animation but just didn't know how? With these easy to follow tutorials you will use a variety of free software and apps to create cool animations that you would be proud to share.

Lesson 1 Create a Flipbook

During this lesson you are are going right back to animation basics and learning the fundamentals of creating an animation by creating a flipbook. This is a really fun task that doesn't need a computer or any fancy equipment. All you need is a stack of paper and a pen.

  1. Watch this YouTube clip showing some really cool flipbook examples. There are loads of good Youtube videos if you search for 'flipbook' so you can search for a few more once you are done watching this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGw6VREYkLE

  2. Firstly, you will need to find or create a blank flipbook. This task will be really easy if you have a blank (or lined) pad or a pack of sticky notes. Don't worry if you haven't got a pad you can create a flipbook very easily by cutting up paper into a rectangle shape and then clamping them altogether somehow (with a clip or cellotape even).

  3. Watch this video which explains exactly how to make your flipbook animation: https://youtu.be/gqUcUR69pck

  4. Then stop. Think. What are you going to draw? You don't have to be good at drawing to make a flipbook animation. It could be as simple as a ball rolling off the edge of a table and bouncing on the floor. Or a stick man walking. Or an explosion from a small dot gradually getting bigger. Try to make your first one simple as all I want you to learn from this stage is that animation is created from a series of frames.


Enjoyed this task? Why not think about creating a more complex flipbook. Using more detailed drawings and possibly colour. Check out cool examples on YouTube searching using the keyword 'Flipbook'.

Teacher Notes

These lessons were designed for students who are distance learning. Feel free to copy the instructions above and paste into your own distance learning assignments. If you are using Google Classroom, you could direct pupils to upload their video of their flipbook to this YouTube clip if they are unsure how to do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQFIDIqFqrs&t=17s