Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of education Is that all children deserve access to education with peers In an environment that fosters emotional, physical and social well-being. My pedagogy studies have led me to create a positive environment that will promote students to express their Ideas and emotions. We as educators are the role models for building positive relationships, develop a positive hands-on learning environment, and a respect for all members of society.

Essential Elements of Teaching

Using essentials elements of teaching, I believe are Imperative to my philosophy of education and Improving student learning. Students understand the role of their teachers as supportive and nurturing to their learning. Students should be given the opportunity for hands-on learning and connecting their learning to real world events. Students are given the opportunity to access technology. When students are given essential tools they are able to learn, grow, communicate, and foster relationships.

Bringing My Philosophy Together

My studnets and their families deserve equality and societal acceptance. Bring peers aware of neurodivergent learns at a young age creates a rhetoric that all are welcome and accepted in the community. The children today are making the world views different. Neurodivergent students now have more acceptance than ever. My goal Is to help my students understand the Importance of their education, become critical thinkers and problem solvers, and become productive members of society.