
Hello world!

Welcome to my website.

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics at Louisiana State University, specializing in stochastic analysis. In particular, my research is on anticipating stochastic integrals and large deviation principles.

I write my mathematical thoughts in my blog, called Infinities in my Brain. My GitHub repository is https://github.com/SudipSinha.

I'll briefly describe the layout of the website. A short sketch of my life journey is highlighted in the about me page. The Education page details my current research and education. My work experience in the industry is highlighted in the Experiences page. I am quite interested in explaining ideas, and you'll find some snapshots of my writings, along with details of my teaching career on the Expositions page. Finally, I have tried to portray a more intimate side of myself in the Personal page.

I hope you find something interesting here. Whether you like or hate something, I would love to hear from you!
