
The following photo from 1920, held in Israeli archives, shows a group of Zionist pioneers from Shepetovka who stopped off in Lvov on their way to Palestine. Some people may have been from Sudilkov. If you recognize any of the men in this photo, please contact this web page manager. The man identified as #19 is believe to be Isaac Novoseletsky (Yitshak Nevo), who helped found the moshav Kfar Yehoshua in Israel. The woman identified as #8 is believed to be Chana Katchka, and #12 is her husband, Itzhak Muchnik. The couple were from Shepetovka and were also early founders of Kfar Yehoshua.

From Shepetovka to Palestine photo - Israeli archives

Shepetovkans in Lvov en route to Palestine circa 1920

Photos below were provided by Miriam Weiner.

Pincus Vinokur/Weiner & Sara-Rifka Madonik with three of their sons

L-R: Back row, Solomon (aka Sol) and brother, Kalman (aka Carl)

Center: Selig (aka Samuel Josef)

Front, Pincus and wife, Sara-Rifka Vinokur

Pincus was the son of Shmuel-Ber Vinokur & Vitttel Sadonik. Sara-Rifka was the daughter of Shmuel-Zelig Madonik and Ita Cohen.

Photo taken in Shepetovka, c. 1906

Sons of Pincus & Sara-Rifka Vinokur/Weiner

L-R, Seated: Chaim Dov/Barnet, Michael, and Abraham/Abe Vinokur/Weiner

L-R, Standing, Eisiel/Harry and Yankel (Jack) Vinokur/Weiner

Photo taken in Shepetovka, c. 1908

Malka (Molly) Weiner from Shepetovka

Malka/Molly Oks Weiner, 1940

At her home: 914 South Alvarado Street, Los Angeles CA

Grandmother of Miriam Weiner

Moische Vinokur/Morris Weiner of Shepetovka

Moische Vinokur/Morris Weiner (grandfather of Miriam Weiner)

St. Louis, MO, c. 1935

L-R: Moische Vinokur/Morris Weiner & Malka/Molly Oks Weiner

(grandparents of Miriam Weiner).

Photo taken in Albia, Iowa, 1925

L-R: Molly Oks Weiner & granddaughter, Miriam Weiner.

Photo by Edward Weiner (son of Molly and father of Miriam) in Los Angeles, CA, 1945

Weiner Children, Shepetovka Roots

Left to Right: Joe Weiner, Ethel Weiner, Edith Weiner & Yetta Weiner, all children of Moische Vinokur/Weiner & Malka Oks Weiner (uncles and aunts of Miriam Weiner).

Photo taken in St. Louis, MO.

Green (Grunblatt family of Sudilkov (adjacent to Shepetovka)

"Bubbe," "Zayde", Ida, Harry, and Alice Green (Grunblatt). Photo courtesy of Marilyn Lustig

This photograph depicts the Grunblatt (later Green) family of Sudilkov. Mr. Grunblatt was a tailor. He served in the Russian army during the Russo-Japanese war (1904-05). After being wounded, he was sent home to recover, but opted instead to leave for the United States. His wife and two children arrived later, after he had saved enough money to pay for their passage. Two more children were born in the United States.

Samuel Pugach of Shepetovka)
Tsilya Gibes Pugach of Shepetovka
Gravesite of Samuel Pugach of Shepetovka)

Samuel Pugach (above left) was born in 1902 in Shepetovka and died there in 1984. He taught Hebrew as a young man. He is credited with preserving and maintaining the Jewish cemetery in Shepetovka. He was married to Tsilya Gibes (1903-1970) (above center) from Sudilkov. She is also buried in the Shepetovka cemetery. Samuel had a twin brother Ioyna who emigrated to Palestine and was killed in battle there. By Samuel Pugach's gravestone (above right) are his daughter Zinaida Sandler and granddaughter Alla Bery. Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives.

The photos below were taken from societies that formed in the US to assist countrymen back in Sudilkov. Some of the people pictured may be from Shepetovka; there was a lot of crossover between the two communities.

Applebaums of Shepetovka Relief Society, courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Shifra and Shaul Applebaum in New York, 1947, from the Sudilkov-Shepetowka Relief Society

(Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives).

Julius Weiner of Shepetova Relief Society, courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Julius Weiner, President of the Sudilkov-Shepetowka Relief Society in Chicago, 1947

(Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives).

New York 1950 Photo of United Shepetovker Organization of America for Israel Banquet

This photo is taken from the United Shepetovker Organization for Israel Banquet program from December 24, 1950 in New York (Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives). The surnames appear to be Kislin, Gallis, Applebaum, Yakerson, Fellman, Gibbs, Sterzer, and Krasner. The source photo labels the women in Yiddish, with no left or right description. If you can translate from the Yiddish for front row and back row, please contact me.

This photo is taken from the United Shepetovker Organization for Israel Banquet program from December 24, 1950 in New York (Source: the Miriam Weiner archives). The surnames appear to be Shachman, Applebaum, Fishbein, Greenberg, Kuper, Feldman, Yakerson, Hoffman, Gibbs, Shapira, Stoorzer, Gallis, Frief,Gellman, Auertiner.

Shepetovka Society Members, courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives
Shepetovka Organization Members, courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Members of the United Shepetovker Organization of America for Israel in New York, 1957

Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives.

Members of the United Shepetovker Organization of America for Israel in New York, 1957 (Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives).

SHepetovka ORganization Members, Courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives
SHaul Applebaum 1950, Shepetovka Relief Org, courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Message from Shaul Applebaum to the United Shepetovker Organization of America for Israel, 1950 in New York. If you can translate this message, please contact me.

Shaul Applebaum, Shepetovka Org, Courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Message from Shaul Applebaum to the Shepetovker Young Men's Association, 1957 in New York. If you can translate this message, please contact me.

Jacob and Rose Gray of Shepetovka, Courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Jacob and Rose Gray, 1950, New York. Jacob Gray's original surname was Grushco.

Shifra Tiara of Shepetovka, COurtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Shifra Tiara (?), 1957, New York

On the left, in memory of Jacob and Rose Gray from Mr. and Mrs. B. Tilson.

On the right, Ms. Shifra Tiara/Tyra (?) from 1957. Both photos are from Shepetovka Association Yearbooks (Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives).

Simon and Meriam Berg of Shepetovka, courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

The Berg and the Silversteins from the 1968 Chicago Yearbook of the Sudilkov-Shepetowka Relief Society (Source: the Miriam Weiner Archives).

Bertha and Morris Silverstein of Shepetovka, courtesy of Miriam Weiner Archives

Compiled by Miriam Kirshner

Copyright © 2020 Miriam Kirshner

Photos on this website are not to be reproduced in any form without express written permission of the owners