
Immigrants to the United States from Sudilkov and Shepetovka formed associations in order to provide assistance to these towns and to Israel, as well as to socialize with each other. These associations were formed in New York and Chicago (and perhaps elsewhere). Several booklets from their archives have survived and are shown below. Click the upper right-hand corner of each booklet if you would like to read in full. If you have additional booklets or more information about these associations, please contact this webpage designer.

Articles of Incorporation New York

Articles of Incorporation NY merged pdf.pdf

Directory and Yearbook 1954

Directory and Yearbook 1954 merged.pdf

Chicago 1947

Chicago 1947 Complete Merged.pdf

New York 1950

NYC Banquet 1950.pdf

New York 1957

NY Banquet 1957 Complete Merged.pdf

Chicago 1968

Chicago 1968 Complete Merged.pdf

Source: The Miriam Weiner Archives

This extensive collection of booklets from The Sudilkov-Shepetowka Relief Society of Chicago is printed here due to the generous donation of these materials by Jean Kaplan Teichroew to the Miriam Weiner Archives.

Chicago 1936.pdf
Chicago 1937.pdf
Chicago 1938.pdf
Chicago 1939.pdf
Chicago 1940.pdf
Chicago 1941.pdf
Chicago 1942.pdf
Chicago 1943.pdf
Chicago 1944.pdf
Chicago 1945.pdf
Chicago 1946.pdf
Chicago 1947.pdf
Chicago 1948.pdf
Chicago 1949.pdf
Chicago 1950.pdf
Chicago 1951.pdf
Chicago 1952.pdf
Chicago 1953.pdf
Chicago 1954.pdf
Chicago 1955.pdf
Chicago 1956.pdf
Chicago 1957.pdf
Chicago 1958.pdf
Chicago 1959.pdf
Chicago 1960.pdf
Chicago 1961.pdf
Chicago 1962.pdf
Chicago 1963.pdf
Chicago 1965.pdf
Chicago 1966.pdf
Sudikov Brotherhood and Sisterhood.pdf

Sudilkov Cemetery Corporation

Certificate of Organization

Source: Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois

Compiled by Miriam Kirshner

Copyright © 2020 Miriam Kirshner

Photos on this website are not to be reproduced in any form without express written permission of the owners