Sudilkov, Ukraine

And its descendants

sUdilkov, Ukraine

Lat: 50° 10', Long: 27° 08'

The town of Sudilkov is located three miles east of Shepetovka, and the two towns are intricately related. Shepetovka is the larger of the two. For more information about Shepetovka, please visit this website.

Sudilkov Synagogue

The image on the left is a photograph of the Sudilkov synagogue. It was provided by descendants of Edward Adler (Edel Udler), who was born in Sudilkov in 1895 and immigrated to the US in 1913.

The image on the right is a sketch of the Sudilkov synagogue. Source: The Miriam Weiner Archives.

Sudilkov synagogue sketch

This web page

This website was assembled to provide information for people interested in Jewish heritage from the town of Sudilkov (Sudylkiv, Ukraine). It is also intended to honor the residents of Sudilkov, both emigrants and current residents, and also the memory of our Sudilkov ancestors who were murdered there during the Holocaust. I hope that descendants may recognize a name or a face and help add to the knowledge base for this town. In this effort, I was greatly assisted by Miriam Weiner, who has roots in the town and provided extensive material. Her willingness to share her tremendous base of knowledge has been invaluable to this project.

Note About the Town Name

Researchers of Sudilkov are fortunate that the town name has been virtually unchanged within recent memory. The Ukrainian (current) version of the town name is Sudylkiv (Судилків). This web page uses the name Sudilkov.


Other Sudilkov Links

Compiled by Miriam Kirshner

Copyright © 2020 Miriam Kirshner