Sweet Succubi

Average Lifespan: 150~200 years

Appearance: Sweet Succubi are female humanoids with short horns and a long tail that ends with a large conversation heart. Sweet Succubi come in red to pink fruit flavors such as strawberry, cheery, watermelon, ect. Their hair and eyes have been seen in almost every color of the rainbow, but their horns and matching tail colors are limited to pastels and white.

Nature: Each Sweet succubi has different preferences, but most are independent and enjoy traveling to find new partners for their particular diets. They are most known for enjoying lavish parties that they host out of their traveling accommodations.

Magic: Sweet succubi all have magical powers that grow the better fed they are. They are especially good at adjusting their bodies’ shape (within limits) and casting minor illusions. These illusions are most often used at their parties to entertain/enchant their guests.

Diet: Adult succubi “feed” off of the energy they gain from having sex with members of other humanoid species. This sex leaves their partners tired and groggy but is mostly harmless. Even though sweet succubi can eat other food, too much can make them feel ill.

Location: Because of their traveling habits sweet succubi can be found all over Sucreterre.

Note: Even though they share a similar and highly specific "diet" the Sweet succubi and Cincubi are two different species. And despite both species ability to reproduce with other humanoids they cannot actually reproduce with each other.