
Average Lifespan: Around 150 years

Appearance: Cincubi always appear male and have pointed ears and striped horns on their head. Their skin tones are various shades of reds, browns, or oranges. Along their penises and tail are thick dark stripes. At the tip of every cincubi's tail is a spicy cinnamon heart. Their eyes may be reds, browns, or purples. Hair colors range from dark browns and reds to light pinks and purples. Cincubi's nipples are also heart shaped.

Nature: Cincubi are typically independent from their own kind, but enjoy the company of other species. Cincubi are a vain species and love to cling to others who compliment them, in particular when said compliments focus on their appearance.

Magic: All cincubi have some magical strength, especially if they are "well fed". They can do some minor illusions as well as small elemental spells, especially fire based ones. They are also known for being able to increase or decrease the size of their penis. Their jizz can also be used in potions for genital growth.

Diet: Adult cincubi gain most of their energy and magic by having sex with other species. Typically sex with a cincubus will leave the participant tired and groggy for a time, but is otherwise harmless. Cincubi can consume food, but only do so for fun, too much food can make a cincubus feel a little ill.

Location: Since cincubi love attention from others, as well as big crowds, they can be found in cities all over Sucreterre. So long as they are allowed to live in them.

Note: Even though they share a similar and highly specific "diet" the Cincubi and Sweet Succubi are two different species. And despite both species ability to reproduce with other humanoids they cannot actually reproduce with each other.