
Average Lifespan: Usually a few centuries

Appearance: Half horse and half humanoid creatures that can come in a variety of sticky taffy flavors. On their heads they have fuzzy long horse ears. Their horse fur and markings can vary greatly from one centaffytaur to the next.

Nature:They keep to themselves either in small groups or live alone among chocolate elves where they are respected members of the community as healers since they can use magic that chocolate elves cannot.

Magic: Centaffytaurs are suspected to know how to see the future, or at least possible futures. The full capacity of this magic is unknown to anyone outside their species and they don’t seem to be sharing their secrets anytime soon.

Diet: Centaffytaurs eat only plants and they eat much less than their size would indicate they need.

Location: Twisty tree or sweet pine forests are their primary homes but some have been seen in the rainbow rainforest among the elves that live there.