Gaining Self-Awareness and Adopting Lifelong Learning

In gaining self-awareness you will be able to know when you are off course. You will be able to identify what you need to do to get back on course. There may be defeating patterns of though, behavior and emotions. You will be able to rewrite your outdated scripts.

In adopting lifelong learning, you will be able to develop a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. You will be able to learn more challenging things that come your way and apply strategies to overcome them. You may find yourself struggling and getting frustrated, but you use the strategies you have learned to accomplish your dreams. Critical thinking should be used to help assist with difficult situations and to help solve issues that may arise.

We cannot change the outer reality unless we dissolve our inner conflicts. Once inner world is sorted we break the auto pilot reaction of ours and hence react to any situation mindfully. (Self-Awareness FaceBook)

How can you develop a growth mindset?

Are you applying self-awareness?

Do you know how to avoid scams?

Do you have self-respect?

Are you keeping your commitments?

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