Accepting Personal Responsibility And Discovering Self-M0tivation

Victim or Creator Mindset

Your choices are the reasons for your outcomes. You have to take personal responsibility for your actions. If you choose to go to a party the night before an exam instead of studying, it is your choice. If you get a bad grade, it is your choice. If you choose to go out with friends to the movies or even decide to stay home and kick up your feet and relax and put off studying, it is your choice. Remember we are the choices we make.

You can find purpose. You can find meaningful ways to spend your time and achieve your goals. Deciding to stay home and study instead of going out to a party or out with friends can make all the difference. Don't give up on your dreams.

Victim Mindsets don't let you see and act on choices like you should. They do not help you achieve your goals. Creator Mindsets lets you see many options that are available to you and will choose wisely. They will do what it takes to achieve the life they want.

How do you prioritize your time?

Do you spend time doing unnecessary things during the day?

Can you find extra time in your day to study for an exam?

Time cannot be made; you have to make sure you use it wisely. Are you using time wisely?

What choices are you making today and how will it affect your tomorrow?

It is so important to study this topic today. Many people waste time. So much could be accomplished if you use your time wisely.


You can either live a life full of tears or a life full of laughter. Everyone is free to decide which path they choose. If you want to go through life healthy and upright, be adaptable, live in harmony with nature and be a creator and everything will be possible for you

It starts with you!!!!!!