Which is a 5G tower?

Memphis, Tennessee is a new Verizon 5G City. I write this in February, 2020. I used this article in the Memphis Flyer to locate areas where I might find 5G towers. Sunday I went to Eastgate Shopping Centers and walked the parking lot, and drove around the center and immediate neighborhood. I honestly don't know transformers from 5G towers, but I trained myself to look at light posts, and also weird cylindrical things on top of poles. Still, I think there may be various shapes of these things around, so I am posting these and labeling them with a letter so I can get feedback on what a 5G tower may or may not be. Some of these may be 5G, and some are likely not. I am taking feedback.


I took this picture across the street from Clark Tower on Poplar. It looks a bit like examples of 5G towers that I have seen on the internet. I take that to mean the cylinder on top of the pole is a 5G tower, but I don't know for sure. I searched a lot and this was the only installation like this that I saw.


This is a pole on White Station next to the Eastgate Shopping Center Parking lot. What are those oblong things on the top of it?


Well I never would have noticed this but for the fact that my first thought was "light poles". I examined all the light poles carefully in the parking lot off Park. I noticed some light poles had an extra little box (circled in red) and some did not. Why?


This seems crazy, probably has something to do with electricity, but what makes me suspicious is that this equipment looks brand new. Nobody will appreciate this outside of Memphis, but MLGW, our supplier, NEVER changes equipment. Well occasionally they do when something explodes or catches on fire. These things looked so new I thought I better post because I am so inexperienced in identifying 5G towers, and it is so unlikely that MLGW would actually replace something. This is near the optical outlet place on Park Ave.


There is a sort of suspicious pole on the south side of Park near the 50s style shopping center that contains the pizza place. Unfortunately my photos didn't turn out. I also took pictures of other light poles but, I don't know, they seemed like regular light poles to me. Everyone around Memphis has lots of different types of security cameras and lights. I will add an E later.