Auric Field Resonance

Free EMF Solutions

Biofield Focus and Muscle Test Strong!

As the waves pass the rock, their shape is changed. There is a hologram of the rock within the wave as it crashes on the beach. Then there is a reflected wave back. Ralph Abraham

We are energetic beings living in an energetic universe. To ensure that our subtle energy environment is the healthiest possible, Auric Field Resonance was developed. It consists of two parts, 1) AFR, currently a free system that almost anyone can apply to anything in the environment and 2) Muscle Test Strong, a commercial system applied by distance to personal auras, and whole house clearing by distance.

Click on the headings below to reach the portals that have detailed information.

Objects that emit electromagnetic fields have subtle energy fields that interfere with the auric fields of humans. Auric Field Resonance has developed a system, AFR, that can be applied free of charge to EMF producing objects in your environment, such as cell towers, smart meters, and routers. One only requires a smart phone that is connected to the internet. Because this system is in extended beta testing, for the foreseeable future it is free of charge.

After AFR is applied to an EMF producing object, everyone will muscle test strong for it, because the subtle energies of the emf device will no longer conflict with the subtle energy system of the human auric field.

AFR is hosted on this website, and the main page is linked above.

Please note that there is a Quick Start Guide on one of the pages, in case you don't have the time or interest for details.

Biofield Focus- Muscle Test Strong

This advanced system is applied by distance to the human energy field and has been extensively tested. For a modest price, the individual who experiences lunar alchemy will muscle test strong to almost everything, permanently. The success is guaranteed.

Muscle Test Strong is a separate, commercial website, loaded with free information, and linked in the above title.