
한빛사 논문 선정


Jiwon's first-authored paper published in Clin. Mol. Hepatol. (IF=14.0) has been featured in 한빛사. Congratulations!

Assistant Professorship


Dr. Lee has been appointed as an Assistant Professor at Myongji University, starting in the second semester of 2024. Congratulations Dr Lee on your new role as an independent PI!

Young Researcher of the Year 2023


Prof. Lim received a Young Researcher of the Year 2023 by Ajou University School of Medicine.

2024 KSDH Spring Meeting


Prof. Lim gave an invited talk at The Spring Meeting of Korean Society of Digital Health 2024.

KBMS 2024


Prof. Lim gave an invited talk at The 31st Federation Meeting of Korean Basic Medical Scientists 2024.

Best Poster Presentation Awards @ KSBMB International Conference 2024


Jiwon and Karolina received Best Poster Awards at KSBMB International Conference 2024. Congratulations!

Selected Short Talk @ KSBMB International Conference 2024


Yunjin and Jestlin's work on HepScope has been selected for a short talk during the S20 Precision Medicine Session at KSBMB 2024. Congratulations!

2024 KOSOMBE Spring Conference


Prof. Lim gave an invited two-hour lecture during the tutorial sesssion at the 2024 KOSOMBE Spring Conference.

APS 2024


Prof. Lim presented our work entitled "HepScope: CNN-based single-cell discrimination of malignant hepatocytes" at APS 2024, which was held at Long Beach, USA. 

2024 세계뇌주간


Prof. Lim gave an invited talk at Sungkyunkwan University for 2024 Brain Awareness Week. 

KSBi-BIML 2024


Prof. Lim's lecture, titled "Big Data for RNA Informatics", will be accessible online for KSBi-BIML 2024: 

Korea Genome Organization (KOGO)


Prof. Lim is appointed as a committee member of the Korea Genome Organization (KOGO, 한국유전체학회). 

Publication in Aging-US

[Dec 2023]

Jiwon's first-authored paper has been published in Aging-US. Congratulations, Jiwon!

Publication in Clinical and Translational Medicine 

[Dec 2023]

The paper authored by Prof. Lim and Yunjin has been published in Clinical and Translational Medicine and featured in 한빛사. Congratulations to the team!

Publication in Nature Scientific Data 

[Dec 2023]

Junaid's first authored paper has been featured in 한빛사. Congratulations, JD!

TLCR Outstanding Author

[Nov 2023]

Prof. Lim has been selected as one of TLCR Outstanding Authors. Her interview has been published here: link

Editorial Board Member Appointment

[Nov 2023]

Prof. Lim has been appointed as an Editorial Board Member of Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (IF 5.5).

CSHL Single Cell Analyses 2023

[Nov 2023]

Karolina, Yunjin, and Jaehyun gave a poster presentation at Single Cell Analysis Meeing 2023, which was held at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA.

2023 KOSOMBE Annual Conference

[Nov 2023]

Prof. Lim gave an invited research talk entitled "Multiomics data analysis for precision medicine" at the 62nd KOSOMBE Annual Conference. 

Excellence Award for Young Scientists

[Nov 2023]

Dr. Lee has been selected as the recipient of the Excellence Award for Young Scientists (미래인재상) by Korean Federation of Women's Science & Technology Associations (한국과학기술단체총연합회).  Congratulations! 

Four new MD students joined our lab

[Oct 2023]

Seryung, Mingun, Miran, and Hyojun have joined our lab. Welcome!

The 32nd International KOGO Annual Conference

[Oct 2023]

Prof. Lim gave an invited research talk at the 32nd International KOGO Annual Conference. 

2023 KSBM Tutorial Symposium

[Sept 2023]

Prof. Lim gave an invited research talk at 2023 KSBM Fall Meeting & Tutorial Symposium.

Editorial Commentary Publication

[Aug 2023]

Karolina's and Jiwon's  Editorial Commentary paper has been published in Translational Lung Cancer Research. Congratulations

Patents filed

[Aug 2023]

Prof. Lim and JD have filed three patents (출원번호 2023-0103723, 2023-0103724, 2023-0103725). Congratulations!

Nature Scientific Data Publication

[April 2023]

Karolina's first authored paper has been featured in 한빛사. Congratulations, Karolina!

제4회 싱글셀 분과 워크샵 2023

[July 2023]

Prof. Lim gave a research talk titled "Integrative analysis of cellular senescence and cancer" at KSBMB Single-Cell Workshop.

AUMC Research Grant Award

[June 2023]

Our lab will be funded by AUMC 임상-기초 중개 협동 연구과제.

Best Poster Award @ IEEE EMBS - Data Science Forum

[May 2023]

Jestlin received Best Poster Award (1st Prize) at IEEE EMBS - NUS iHealthtech Forum on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine, and Biology, which was held in Singapore. Congratulations!

Invited talk @ IEEE EMBS - Data Science Forum

[May 2023]

Prof. Lim delivered an invited talk at IEEE EMBS - NUS iHealthtech Forum on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine, and Biology, which was held in Singapore.

2023 ABC 우수상

[April 2023]

Karolina, Junaid, and Jiwon received Best Oral/Poster Presentation Awards at 2023 Ajou Biomedical Conference (ABC). Congratulations!

Best Poster Presentation Award at the 31st KOGO Annual Conference


Karolina received the Best Poster Award at the 31st International KOGO Annual Conference. Congratulations! 

2022 NRF 연구중심병원R&D 사업


Our lab will be funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) 연구중심병원R&D 사업. 

Nature Scientific Data 편집위원 선임

2022/06/21- present

Prof. Lim has been appointed as an Editorial Board Member of Scientific Data (한빛사선정저널).

제29회 대한기초의학 학술대회 

Best Poster Award


Dr. Aejin Lee received Best Poster Award at the 29th Federation Meeting of Korean Basic Medical Scientists 2022. Congratulations!

2022 ABC 우수상 수상


Jiwon and Karolina received 우수상 (구연) at 2022 Ajou Biomedical Conference (ABC).  Congratulations!

2022 NRF 최초혁신실험실 선정


Our lab will be funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) 최초혁신실험실사업! 

iHT Symposium @ Singapore

2022/06/10 - 2022/06/11

Prof. Lim chaired AUSoM-NUS Joint Session @ Institute for Health Innovation & Technology (iHT) at NUS, Singapore.

2022 NRF 창의도전 연구과제 선정


Dr. Aejin Lee has been awarded NRF 창의도전 grants, congratulations!

저희 연구실 이애진 박사님이 창의도전 연구과제에 선정되었습니다. 축하합니다!

2022 NRF 우수신진연구 과제 선정


Our lab will be funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) 우수신진연구사업 for the next five years! 

2022 KSBI Education Committee


Prof. Lim is appointed as the Academic affairs committee member of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI). 

Best Poster Presentation Award


Congratulations to Jiwon for winning the Best Poster Presentation Award for her presentation entitled "Decreased SRSF7 mediates MDM2 variant generation in cellular senescence" at the 2022 KSBMB Conference!



Congratulations to Prof. Lim for winning the Yamaguchi Medal 2021 for the work entitled "Single-cell approaches in cancer precision medicine" at The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (APBiomech2021) organized by the Asian-Pacific Association for Biomechanics!

The 2nd AACR-KCA Joint Conference


Congratulations to Prof. Lim for winning the Best Oral Presentation Award for the work entitled "PPARγ Targets-Derived Diagnostic and Prognostic Index for Papillary Thyroid Cancer" at the 2nd AACR-KCA Joint Conference!