Professional membership

 Membership of learned Societies :

1.       Europian Council of Higher Education and Accreditation (Manchestar , UK)

2.       Members of the program SASPRO 2 (Slovak academic and scientific program) Evaluation Committees

3.       Royal Society of Chemistry, Membership ID: 655023

4.       The National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI)

5.   Breakthrough Science Society

6.       SAS Fellow Member (FSASS)

7.       IIT KGP Alumni Foundation India REGULAR MEMBER (R002549)

8.       American Chemical Society as a Community Member ( 31132354).

9.       Alumni of exchange programs supported by Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department.

10.   Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) (Life Member ID 3917)

11.  Quarterly Franklin membership ( TL41748)

12.  Professional  membership  at Institute of Scholar (InSc) (INSC 2019629)

13.  The Indian Science Congress Association (Life Member) India (L17795)

14.  Powder Metallurgy Association of India (Life Member) India (L00591)

15.  ECS Regular member (384865)

16.  The American Physical Society (APS) (61253100)

17.  CO2India Network (293)

18.  International Younger Chemists Network

19.  International Society for Research and Development (ISRD)UK (Life Member)       (F3140900587)

20.  International Association of Advanced Materials(IAAM), Sweden (784141912747)

21.  Indian Thermal Analysis Society (Life Member)India

22.  American Nano Society (1393384), USA

23.  ACS Regular member (31132354), USA

24.  VDGOOD Professional Association

25.  IAENG Society of Chemical Engineering Hong Kong ( LMIAEng) (182852)

26.  The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) USA ( 528942)

27.  Engineer-in-Training, The association of professional Engineers and Geoscientist of Alberta (APEGA ) Canada (240546)

28.  The chemical Engineer (IChemE) UK (100112140)

29.  Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES) Hong Kong (202193)

30.  International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Taiwan (182852)

31.  SCI where science meets business, London (100029391)

32.  Hawaii Society for Technology in Education(HSTE), USA (38084955)

33.  South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering (SAISE) (20170412001)

34.  Science Research Association active member (SCIREA) (303381)

35.  Member of IEEE Collabratec(94139504)

36.  International Society for Research and Development (ISRD)(Senior member SR4150900412)

37.  Nature Research Society, England (NRS) (184)

38.  World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology