Editor/Editorial Board Member

  1. American Journal of Nanotechnology (Science publications)

  2. Material Science Research India (MSRI)

  3. International Journal of Applied Science (EPH)

  4. Nominated Editorial Board Member of Glacier Journal of Science Research (GJSR)

  5. International Journal of Nanoparticles & Nanotechnology (Helics group)

  6. Multidisciplinary International Journal (MIJ) (IRA publications)

  7. Nanotechnology in Science and Engineering (NSE)( UPI Journals)

  8. International Journal of ​ Material Sciences and Engineering (Journal's Pub)

  9. International Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (IJAMSE)

  10. Nanoenergy Technologies and Materials (Frontiers in Energy Research)

  11. International Journal of Research in Science & Technology (IJRST) (IRA publications)

  12. International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM)

  13. International Journal of Technology & Engineering (IRA Press Of Institute Of Research Advances)

  14. EPH - International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Science

  15. International Journal of Innovations in Scientific Engineering (IJISE) (IRA publications)

  16. Energy and Power Engineering (Scientific Research Publishing, SCIRP)

  17. International Journal of Ceramics and Ceramic Technology (Journal's Pub)

  18. International Journal of Universal Science & Engineering (IJUSE) (IRA publications)

  19. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention Research & Development (IJESIRD)

  20. International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI) (IRA publications)

  21. Functional Ceramics (specialty section of Frontiers in Materials)

  22. SCIREA Journal of Chemical Engineering

  23. International Journal of Applied Nanotechnology (Journal's Pub)

  24. Dept. of Technology & Research, International Digital Library (IDL)

  25. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR)

  26. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research (IJAER) (IRA publications)

  27. International Journal of Innovations in Applied Sciences and Engineering (IJIASE) (IRA publications)

  28. International Journal of Research, Innovation (IJRI publishers)

  29. International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology (IJLRST)(MNK publishers)

  30. SCIREA Journal of Energy (Science Research Assiciation)

  31. EPH - International Journal of Science and Engineering

  32. Journal of Advance Research in Applied Science (JIAATS)

  33. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology)

  34. Publishing Press (PP)

  35. Progress in Energy & Fuels, PiscoMed Publishing Pte. Ltd Singapore

  36. EPH - International Journal of Applied Science

  37. International Journal of Chemiacal Engineering Research (IJChER)

  38. Nanotechnology in Science and Engineering (UPI Journals)