Project Plan & Milestones

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Project Milestones

Sessions overview across the program

Parents and Teachers share their knowledge about Child Voice in a collaborative environment.

Whilst we know how important it is to embed the voice of students into their learning plans, there have not been clear pathways to do so. This project activates new collaborative discussions between parents, teachers and students to trial one such pathway.

Our starting point is the recognition of the expert knowledge that parents have about their children. They have known them the most time. Hence Student Voice coaches parents to build on this expertise by adding 4 elements to it:

  1. Identifying Child Voice: Parents observe their child's choices and goals and act on them next [Projects]

  2. Amplifying Child Voice - Parents share these goals and choices with their child's teacher; they identify their child strengths and the wellbeing factors that help them achieve their goals [Online discussions]. Teachers' input in their students' Signature Strengths is very important and complementary to parents' input.

  3. Implementing Child Voice - Parents and teachers agree on how choices and goals will be embedded into life at home/school [Online discussions]

The core message of this project to parents is that their responsibility is to actively contribute to uncovering their child's strengths, choices and goals and communicate these to teachers.

Teachers will then implement this knowledge in the classroom in working with each student.

Of course, teachers are skilled at identifying these as well. We foresee that in following this pathway, teachers will add more depth and width to embedding Student Voice into their learning journeys.

Hence, the exciting part of this project is that parent-teacher collaboration will create better outcomes for students, families and ultimately teachers!

As parents share this information with educators or teachers engage parents to discuss their child's signature strengths and wellbeing, it is the teachers' role in the project to collect this information into their Teacher Dashboards.

Your role as a teacher

The educators will promote child voice in planning and learning by:

  • Participating in the program (5 sessions) along with the families

  • Complete data collection as the DOE consider research and participation in the research as a fundamental condition of the pilot

  • Recording the child goal which was prioritised by the families during Student Voice sessions into the Teacher Dashboard

  • Incorporating this goal into the IEP/PLASP at the review meeting, and others agreed to with families

  • Working on implementing these goals between the end of Session 4 (June) and Session 5 (October/November) and recording progress for each student in their Teacher Dashboard.

For the Student Voice to be ultimately embedded in life at school, we ask that teachers keep a log for each student [in the Teacher Dashboard below], based on each family's 3 Projects.

We ask that teachers collaborate with parents in order to record the results of these projects in their dashboards: In session, you will hear your families describe the 3 projects as they complete them. Your role is to identify the key information for each project and record it in the dashboard. This will guide you in working on the goals in the next few months. By September, all teacher dashboards will reflect how families and teachers collaborated to achieve the identified goals, demonstrating that they have included Student Voice in their planning and education.

Signature Strengths

As reviewed during our sessions, parents and teachers discuss the students' identified strengths and teachers record them in their Teacher Dashboards.

Flourishing/wellbeing factors

As reviewed during our sessions, parents and teachers discuss how to increase the wellbeing of each student and teachers record these in their Teacher Dashboards.

Creating/Reviewing IEP/PLaSP goals

Child goal 1: This goal is created through the Pictability Action Board (Child Goal)

Child goal 2 and 3 are added after session 2, through one of the following options:

  1. For schools who already have an IEP/PLSP: Teachers and parents review the next 2 goals to be achieved by the end of the Student Voice project and confirm.

  2. For schools who are holding their IEP/PLSP: If the planning meeting has not happened, teachers and parents now meet and plan the other 2 IEP/PLaSP goals, taking into consideration child choices and signature strengths - this ensures child voice is embedded in the planning process.

The below is an example of the log teachers will keep for each student to track progress and success.

Teacher Dashboard Tool - ONE dashboard per child

The main question that teachers will answer is: How do we integrate student voice as we help students progressing on the 3 goals listed for each student in the Teacher Dashboard?

DoE Teacher LOG

Teacher Dashboard Detailed Presentation

Watch this recording of a discussion with teachers on using the Teacher Dashboard Tool.

Schools are invited to add specific details, such as curriculum-based learning outcomes into the Dashboard. Punchbowl school will modify theirs and use it as their PLaSP living document. This tool is planned on the model of a "living document". Its interactivity ensures that the whole educator team can collaborate to help students achieve their goals, by recording when they work on each goal and what they do at each step so that the pathway to goal achievement is clear.

Teacher Dashboard Professional Learning

Sophie, Student Voice Coordinator, Punchbowl Public School, shares with other teachers how she uses her Teacher Dashboard to record and monitor a child's progress on goals. One week into the term, there is already learning to implement!

This clip was recorded to be shared with teachers as a quick "how to" in order to speed up the tool adoption.

At Punchbowl Public School, teachers have adopted the Teacher Dashboard as the one PLSP tool they are working with - both recording and monitoring progress and great to share with parents, SLSOs and relief teachers - at a glance, everyone knows where the child is at with their progress and everyone can contribute towards the next stage!

Additional Training Materials

The below describe the Projects that parents carry out with their child after sessions 1, 2 and 3.

Goal to Action Implementation Tool

Goals are implemented collaboratively between Student, Parents and Teachers.

Teachers and parents learn to use our Goal to Action bespoke tool throughout the program's workbook.

With each IEP/PLSP Goal, teachers, parents and wherever possible Student fill one Goal to Action form to clarify who does what to achieve the goal. Goal to Action forms are consulted after Session 4 to make sure work on achieving the goal is on track.

A's copy of DoE projects.docx