Student Progress

Student Research Report

Student graduation-on-time is a very important measure of performance in the University Rankings. Using AsterWrite, a university can:

Project: Thesis Writing

The student's scheduled work is captured as Work Breakdown Structures in the student's Gantt Chart.

Work Scheduled

Work Performed

The student's Work Performed is updated in the Progress tab.

Work Completed

With the Work Scheduled and Work Performed data, it is very easy to track the students Work Completed - very much like in a project management. If the Work Performed is below the Work Scheduled lag, then the student needs attention.

Overall Progress

Student progress is easily monitored on a month by month basis. The overall progress shows the total Work Completed. Based on Work Schedule, the blue area indicates the proportion of Work Completed.

Progress by Chapter

The total Work Completed can be broken down by Chapter (or Section) according to the outline in the Gantt chart. The X-axis corresponds to work hours.

Progress by Chapter (Points)

Work Completed by Chapter can be further broken down to the activity level and shown as an absolute portion of the work. The X-axis corresponds to work hours.

Progress by Chapter (Percent)

Work Completed by Chapter can be further broken down to the activity level and shown as a relative portion of the work. The X-axis corresponds to percent of a particular work completed. The students can see their progress very easily with drill-down features. The supervisor, head-of-department, dean, etc. can also be setup to view the students progress from their own desk.