COVID 19 Cooking Contest

Winner of the Quarantine Cooking Contest!

Hi My name is Harua. I am from Osaka in Japan and I am a grade 11 student. I go to Bell high school here in Ottawa. One of my favorite recipes that I learned during COVID-19 is how to bake biscuits. Here is my video and the recipe. The recipe comes from my host family’s grand mother.

4 1/2 cups of flour, 8 teaspoons of baking powder, 2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 2 cup of milk. Mix all the dry ingredients together. Take pastry knife and cut the butter up until all the pieces of butter are small like peas. Add the milk. Blend the ingredients together with a large spoon. Do not blend too much, as little as possible. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Sprinkle flour on top, so it is dry. Flower our your hands.Flatten the dough until it is 3/4 of an inch think (about 2 cm). Cut into cubes of about 2 inches by 2 inches. Bake in a oven at 425 degrees . Bake until lightly golden. Approx 12-15 minutes.


International Students!

OCENET Announces Another Exciting Contest! Due to the positive response to our QuarantART Contest we are announcing a new contest.

Covid-19 Comfort Food Contest!!!! Open to all International elementary and secondary Students! Here are three cooking videos for you to watch to get ideas: