



Dr. Mažeika Patricio Sullivan is a professor at Clemson University and the Director of the Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science (BICEFS). To date, Dr. Sullivan has published 76 peer-reviewed articles, five book chapters, and offered 216 scholarly presentations and talks. He has been awarded ~$9 million in research funding from several sources including the US Environmental Protection Agency, National Science Foundation, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, US Fish & Wildlife Service, US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Land Management, Ohio Division of Natural Resources, and Ohio Corn and Small Grains Marketing Programs. In addition to work in Ohio, Dr. Sullivan conducts research in multiple geographic regions of the U.S. and internationally in Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, and South America. Research in the STRIVE lab are consistently linked to outreach activities related to aquatic ecosystems and water quality.

Dr. Sullivan’s service activities include participation as a member of the EPA’s Scientific Advisory Board’s “Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters” Panel (2013-2014), acting as a technical expert for the Ohio EPA’s Coldwater Streams Designation, and reviewing for >35 ecological and environmental journals. Dr. Sullivan has also participated in Congressional Briefings to Members of Congress on “waters of the US” (WOTUS), and has offered two national seminars on the topic. He was a Distinguished University teacher at OSU and served as a Fulbright Distinguished Chair of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development (Colombia, 2014-2015).

Dr. Sullivan is also actively engaged in promoting and supporting equity, inclusion, and diversity in ecology and natural resources through teaching, research, and service activities. At the national level, Dr. Sullivan leads the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Task Force for the Society for Freshwater Science, and is working with the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe of northern Idaho on issues relative to Native American water rights.

Executive Assistant for Research (BICEFS)

Stephanie S. Li

Research Technician (BICEFS)

Nayeli Sanchez

Public Outreach Specialist (BICEFS)

Robert Keast

Lab Manager

Lars Meyer

Post-doctoral Researchers

Dr. Jason Bohenek (2019-2022)

Dr. Carlos Cáceres (2018-2020)

Dr. Katie Hossler (2013-2015; currently Asst. Prof. at Wright State University)

Dr. David Manning (2015-2018; currently Asst. Prof. at University of Nebraska, Omaha)

Dr. Kay Stefanik (2015-2019; currently Asst. Director, Iowa Nutrient Research Center, Ames, Iowa)


Graduate Students/Researchers

Jeffry Hayes, MSc Student

Cristian López-López, MSc Student

Francisco Luque Moreno, PhD Student

Nayeli Sanchez, MSc Student

Audrey Laiveling, MSc Student

Julia Derringer, PhD Student (Co-advised with Dr. Lauren Pintor)

Tyler D. Johnson, MSc Student

Kenneth R. De Len, PhD Student


Research Associates

Brian Zimmerman

Ari Yamaguchi

Kaitlin Carr (2015-2019)

Andrew Nagy (2016-2019; currently MSc student at University of Georgia)

Undergraduate Honors Students/Researchers

Etain Brunner

Dean Hjerpyn

Katie Fulcher

Kristina Fite

Chris Kalman

Ahni Geogerian

Olivia Houpt

Hannah Hurdley

Ameer Hafeez

Matthew Lincicome

Delaney Kelch


Grad Student Alumni

Michael Gilboy, MSc (2022)

Kristen Diesburg, PhD (2021)

Angélica Torres Bejarano, PhD (2020)

Joe Corra, MSc (2019; currently Environmental Utility Analyst, New York State Department of Public Service, Albany, NY)

Leslie Rieck, PhD (2019; currently post-doc, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA)

Martha Zapata, MSc (CV) (2018; currently Biologist with USFWS, Athens, Georgia)

Bobby Davis, MSc (2017; currently PhD Student, Auburn University)

Alayna Dorobek, MSc (2016)

Ellen Comes, MSc (2016)

Danielle Vent, MSc (2015; currently with ODNR)

Breezy Jackson, PhD (2015; currently Director of UC Merced’s Yosemite Field Station)

Lindsey Boaz, MSc (2014; currently PhD student at OSU)

Adam Kautza, PhD (2014; currently Coldwater Fisheries Resources Project Leader, MA Fish & Game)

Alex Masheter, MSc (2018)

Travonya Kenly, MSc (2018)

Paradzayi Tagwireyi, PhD (2014; currently Senior Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe)

Charles Goss, PhD (2014)

Clarissa Bey, MSc (2013; currently Malacologist, Lewis Environmental Consulting)

Jeremy Alberts, MSc (2012; Regional Manager/Ecologist, Environmental Solutions & Innovations, Inc.)

Lars Meyer, MSc (2012; currently STRIVE Lab Manager)

Adam Kautza, MSc (2011)