Natalia Pinzani Fokeeva

Postdoc (Marie Curie Fellow), Florence University

Office:  305

Email:  n.pinzanifokeeva(AT)


Research TopicsAdS/CFT correspondence and its applications, String Theory, Black Holes, Asymptotic Symmetries, Hydrodynamics, Turbulence, Chaos

Publications from  Inspire-Hep  


Research interests

I am interested in various aspects of theoretical physics, from what are the fundamental degrees of freedom of quantum gravity to what is the action principle capturing dissipative effects of a system out of equilibrium. In particular, I study generic features of quantum field theories, like hydrodynamic, turbulent, and chaotic behavior, using standard and innovative effective field theory techniques. At the same time, I use holography and asymptotic symmetries techniques to build an intuitive geometrical picture of how these same features map to the gravity side to gain a more in-depth knowledge of the properties of quantum gravity itself.