Discovering Strengths

Strength-Based Education

We must teach our children how to respond to life’s challenges.

From the time they are born until the time they enter a more traditional classroom setting (oftentimes, as five-years-olds, or in a public school setting, a kindergarten classroom), we provide support, care, and love in hopes that challenges will be smaller, and not larger.

Unfortunately, in a more traditional K-12th grade public school classroom where teachers and students are competing for time, teachers are not always modeling with best practices the "how" on responding to life's challenges. Quite the opposite is taking place. Academic and social learning become very deficit-based, with an intensive focus on weaknesses and flaws. In this type of setting, students are not learning resilience, responsibility, and independence.

Strength Based Learning:

#Strengthbased Superpowers
The Art of Inclusion: Inclusive Strategies for the Secondary Classroom

StrengthBasedEDU Podcast