So I'm one of those people that decides to test almost all available offerings when I swap services to something new, not just for music but for a lot of stuff. I realize not everyone does this so I wanted to put together my thoughts after finally settling on Deezer. I will be reposting this to a lot of music subreddits so hopefully that is OK.

Unless you want the cheapest option possible for HiFi music, I would stay far away from this one. If you already have Prime, getting HiFi for $8 a month is impressive but the app and ecosystem is terrible IMO.

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Thanks to u/kpetrovsky for reminding me that Qobuz also lets you purchase music to own, this is nice for those that want to support a specific artist more directly and also have that music in their own technical ownership

Smaller catalogue: out of all the services I tried Qobuz was missing the most of my music. For example Carbon Based Lifeforms (one of my top 10 groups) isn't available there, that alone was enough to make me search for something else

The ability to upload your own MP3s is also super nice, while I'd like to be able to upload FLAC files this is still a huge feature for people with old music libraries that they want to put inside Deezer

Does NOT support direct stream to DACs, something that is missing from what is an otherwise high end platform. I will personally say I haven't been able to notice much difference between direct and using something like WASAPI but it is still technically a con

Has a free tier, which is great for those that maybe can't afford a streaming service in general as this helps with artist engagement and whatnot. I personally like ad supported content on the web when possible as it opens it up to more people and Spotify is the only good one that does this IMO

After a fairly long period of testing, Deezer has been what I find to be the best balance of features (with near Spotify parity), sound quality, reliability, and artist payout. It has all the songs I want and all of them are in 16bit, discoverability is fantastic, the app is great other than some super small bugs, and the customer experience is also great. I think for the majority of users they should go with Deezer HiFi for their music services.

I personally use Qobuz as my main listening platform and a free version of spotify for music discovery. Though I can't say I notice any meaningful difference with bit perfect streaming (Qobuz), it gives me peace of mind, but lately I've been thinking that "peace of mind" may not be worth it, especially when I'm missing out on some cool songs I find in Spotify that are not in Qobuz's catalog. Curious to see what my fellow headphone enthusiasts use and why. I know some use local files/CDs/Vinyl, but I want to stay on topic this time with streaming.

I recently saw an interview with Joanna Newsom about why she is not on Spotify and she was saying that the money from streams mostly goes to the label, not the artist (if I understood correctly). Some of the YouTube commenters were recommending Bandcamp as a Spotify alternative. What are y'all's thoughts? Especially with all the COVID stuff going on, I'm trying to be more mindful about financially supporting artists I admire.

I have never enjoyed relying on spotify to listen to music. I do use it for discovery on my laptop occasionally, but in regards to listening away from home and around the house in general, I just can't enjoy music when I stream it. To me, it's because I don't properly own it- I am just, essentially, renting the music out. I guess, this is much like how a huge movie fan is more likely to buy physical DVDs/Blurays, than rely on Netflix/Amazon Prime etc.

Has anyone else had this, where they just don't like streaming music? A simple solution is to just buy my favourites on CD, which I do, but it's getting expensive now. 30-40 orders every now and then of a load of albums I have discovered and liked. Which is enough money to pay for 3-4 months of a streaming service.

I don't think I can classify myself as an audiophile, but a nice balance of treble and bass is extremely important to me when it comes to listening to music, especially in my car. For years I avoided streaming music because it always sounded flat and lossy, even to my largely uneducated ears. Spotify is the worst offender, but I tried all the "lossless" FLAC quality audio services and found them all unlistenable. I depended on actual FLAC files played through my PC/5.1 System (Sony STR-DH550 5.2 receiver with a Polk CS1 Center, Infinity Primus P363 Towers, KEF C1 surrounds, and two Infinity PS312 Subs) or my car, which is stock except the 12" JBL BassPro sub in the trunk. I used VLC at home and JetAudio+ from my phone. About a year ago, I started listening to hip-hop and rap from various indigenous American groups and had a hard time finding reliable sources to buy this music, so I signed up for YouTube Music.

Want to play e.g. Harris Heller's Streambeats on your livestream, but only focus on the game i.e. hear the footsteps but not the music in your headphones? Do you then want your local recordings to not have said music for your post stream edits for Twitter/YouTube/whatever? Cool, me too (p.s. here's the guide in video form if you prefer)!

All Done! Now your Stream will hear the game, your microphone and any music playing through Spotify... whilst you will only hear the game! If you hit Record, any saved video will only contain the game and microphone. If you want to alternate between being able to hear Spotify and... not hearing Spotify... just change the Output Device in the 2nd Step i.e. in App Volume Device Preferences.

I like to have my whole music collection also on the phone. I still have everything also stored on an SD card in the phone. But my collection gets bigger and bigger and I thought it would maybe be easier to stream them from Pc, like having my own streaming service. So I wonder if there is an App that could to this. Listening to music with my phone that is stored on my Pc. What apps are good for this? Also I think it won't work if the Pc is turned off. So is there an App that could also save a playlist from the Pc offline? Like Spotify offline mode. So I could only save the music i want to listen to offline on the phone, and listen to the rest streamed when the Pc is on. The best thing would be if that could work with any music player app on the phone. I'd not want to pay for it. So, is there any free App that does this?

I like going for runs and listening to music/podcasts while i am doing that. However, I hate needing to lug around my phone. Is it possible to, with an apple watch, independently stream music (ideally from spotify, without pre-downloading! - but willing to compromise) from my watch to my airpods?

Asking this because I recently grabbed an LTE galaxy watch 4, and I thought getting an LTE plan would allow me to stream spotify or youtube music directly from my watch when out exercising without needing to take my phone with me. But no matter what I've tried or searched, it seems this just isn't possible without downloading all of the music to the watch itself?

Hello, I am aware of the Copyright bot on twitch to find ways to stream music safely, but I can only find out after the fact whether or not the music is acceptable. Is there any external tool that can help me find out? I know I could always use the streaming tool or known royalty free music, but I was just wondering if there was any other way to like upload the song or whatever and they would tell me beforehand. Thank you.

Given that my music folder hierarchy is Author/album/track.mp3, I'd like to select a track and then to have the rest of the folder player automatically, without a pause between track for unencrypting.

But the problem is, there are soooooo many missing features and the library is like half broken that I ask myself google just made YTM to compete with other music service and earn more money from its users. Nothing more. They don't care about music stream service . You know what I mean.

So far I have figured out to use the track settings in OBS and then unselect track 2 and for music. I created a separate NDI source for the music, muted the source in my first OBS window and opened a second just for the music. It comes through as another NDI source where I do the track 2 trick again and seems to work fine.

During his little intermission periods he plays 'elevator music' as he calls it but it's just a bunch of really chill songs that work well as background music. I've always saved the name of the ones he plays and put them in my own playlist to listen to whilst playing games, just wondering if there's a definitive list out there? Would make it easier than noting the name of each individual song one by one.

I am new to Sonos and just acquired some Connects / Connect Amps to be able to stream music in our house. I had been working on outdated information I guess and thought that I could use the Sonos S2 app to stream the songs I have on my iPhone, but what I've gathered is that Sonos removed that capability and now you basically have to use one of the compatible services (Spotify, etc.). That's quite annoying, as it seems like there should be an easy way to play music that is stored on the device I'm holding through the app that is on the device I'm holding.

In any event, I am just looking for tips on the cheapest, simplest way to take my library of 50,000+ MP3s stored on my computer and be able to play them through Sonos. It seems like the few streaming services that allow you to upload local libraries cost money (e.g. YouTube Music for $10/month). We subscribe to Spotify but it doesn't look like they offer that functionality. I've also read recommendations to connect an external hard drive to a router as a NAS. I'm willing to try something like that but am not super familiar with all the nuances and settings of setting that up, and I also have an Xfinity xFi modem/router which I understand may not allow you to connect a storage device directly to it through USB. e24fc04721

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