Call For Papers


Title of Workshop: 6th IEEE Workshop on  Security Trust Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems (IEEE STP-CPS) in conjunction with IEEE CCGRID 2023

Call for Papers

STP-CPS: Security Trust Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems


In recent years, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has become an important research direction of academia, industry, and government agencies as they are following the third wave of world information technology after the computer and the Internet. There are several research challenges to be investigated to enable the maturity and wide dissemination of CPS. Among such challenges, various are related to the construction of robust, reliable and secure systems. Systems that consider security, trust, and privacy (STP) mechanisms are a must in current technologies. Several current technologies can be combined synergistically with CPS to address these challenges. In this context, Software-defined networking (SDN) is an emerging technology that can be integrated with CPS to provide scalable, reliable, flexible, secure and efficient communication in a heterogeneous infrastructure. Blockchain is another example of technology that be adopted for building CPS to promotes trust, in a decentralized way. For processing data generated by CPS physical sensors, cloud platforms offer a promising option, with their abundance of resources. However, CPS also needs low latency or real-time services, which cannot always be guaranteed by the cloud. 

Fog/Edge computing is an emergent distributed computing paradigm where processing and storage resources are made available at the edge of the network, in a decentralized way. Thus, data processing pressure is relieved in cloud processing centers, congestion at the core network is decreased, and latency for applications is greatly reduced. In addition, since no more offloading is required and data processing takes place locally, there is greater assurance of data security. The integration of edge computing with blockchain has been investigated to build secure and reliable systems, in contexts where centralized solutions are not desirable or viable. IoT and CPS are examples of such environments.

This workshop aims to bring together several researchers from academia, industry, and government agencies to focus on understanding security challenges and attack surface of modern cyber-physical systems, and architect innovative solutions with the help of cutting-edge technologies such as edge computing, federated learning, blockchain, smart contract and SDN for  CPS. The workshop will serve as a forum for sharing experiences and outcomes with protocol design, real testbeds, experimental evaluation, prototyping and empirical characterization of Blockchain, SDN, and Edge/Fog Computing technologies in CPS. The workshop will facilitate discussions on unresolved issues in the field, such as blockchain-based security solutions of critical infrastructures, secure and resilient system architectures, protocols and applications for software CPS environment, and SDN capabilities in critical infrastructures, as well as key challenges facing the software-defined CPS of the future. 

This workshop will focus on techniques, experiences and lessons learned concerning the state of art for the security, trust, and privacy aspects of CPS along with some open issues. Topics included but not limited to:

Security, Trust and Privacy in CPS

Secure integration of CPS and Cloud Computing systems

Secure system architectures, protocols and applications for CPS environments (smart grid, healthcare, etc.)

User interfaces for secure and privacy-aware pervasive computing applications

Application of blockchain technologies and smart contracts in CPS

Energy-efficient solutions in CPS

Resilient deployment strategies and auto-configuration mechanisms for CPS ecosystems

Integration of Blockchain and Edge in CPS

We invite original research papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers should be no longer than 8 pages in two-column IEEE template format. All accepted papers will be published as part of the CCGRID proceedings. All previous CCGRID proceedings have been published by the IEEE and available online through IEEE Digital Library (EI indexing).


Important Dates

Full Paper Due: February 1st, 2023

Acceptance Notification: February 10th, 2023

Camera Ready Papers Due: March 17th, 2023

Workshop date: Day 1 or Day 4 of the conference (May 1-4, 2023)