Rock Skis

  • We have a term for skis which we can use on the smallest amounts of snow early in the season and late in the season (or sadly, sometimes in the middle of the season) when we are not using artificial snow courses--"rock skis."

  • Some people even use their rock skis on shortly cut grass after a full frost or at a sandy beach (talk about resistance!)

  • Some of us have been skiing for so long or have skiing family members that have outgrown older equipment, that we begin to naturally accumulate "rock skis" as we update our equipment from time to time.

  • For those that don't fall in that category above, a great way to find rock skis is to go to used sports shops like Play it Again Sports and find something very cheap! Some of the used ski sales may also have some older and cheaper equipment that one could legitimize using for rock skis.

  • If you do purchase rock skis, always make sure that they have a compatible binding system for your boots--bringing your boots can be helpful!), or be prepared to buy some bindings at a local ski shop (they can take off the old ones and put the new ones on for you). For very, very old equipment, you'll likely have to do that anyways, as bindings have changed much over the years!

  • Rock skis are a great way to enjoy the start and end of the season without any worries about making any scratches or craters in your equipment!