What follows is a collection of haiku poems, written by Ivan, who was inspired by photographs - captures of simple everyday moments - that Nancy took and shared with him. Dedicated to the readers of our website.

Excerpts of our stories


It was a warm day and the whole forest was quiet. The bear, called Edo, was sitting in the shade under a large tree. He was resting after his lunch. He was nibbling a blade of grass and he looked as if he were bored.

- Oh, how I would like to play the guitar! - he said quietly.

He looked somewhere in the distance.

- I would really like to play the guitar - he repeated this time somehow louder.

- Are you sure, dear Edo? Wouldn’t you prefer to play with me? -  the agile, light-blue winged dragonfly, Yu-Kage, whispered next to his left ear. 

She was feeling very bored at this time of the day. The rest of her family had gathered together in the green-water swamp to have a rest, as usual.

Edo was still looking somewhere in the distance.

- Maybe! - he said finally. - Maybe yes, maybe not!

- Why not? We can play some interesting games. For example...

- No. I would like to play the guitar.

- Oh, Edo, Edo, Edo...

- Oh, Yu-Kage, Yu-Kage, Yu-Kage... Actually, I’ve never asked you where you got that name from.

- Haven't I told you?

- No, you haven’t.

- Weird! I was convinced that I had. Well, my ancestors come from Japan and they moved to this land, a long time ago. They completely adapted to life here, but they kept some traditions which they still respect. That happened with my name.

- Oh, it's interesting.

Yu-Kage began flying all around Edo, trying to encourage him to play.

- Catch me! Catch me, if you can! - she laughed cheerfully.

All airs and graces, Yu-Kage with the slender figure was dashing down and up again, going to the right, going to the left around Edo’s head. Sometimes, she could slightly touch the little hairs of his ears and Edo raised his paw to send her away.

For a moment, he murmured amongst his teeth:

- Oh, bother! Somebody can’t find their peace even during the rest hours of them after lunch. Grrrrr!!!!!

Yu-Kage happened to hear that and, suddenly, her previously widely open wings stiffened and lowered to touch her body. Tears were about to roll down her rosy cheeks, when she found the strength to speak to Edo.

- Edo, my friend! I feel so sorry! I just wished to share some pleasant time with you.

- ‘Pleasant time’ you call it? I call it hard time and totally unfair! So slender and agile you are and having the ability of flying high up to the sky. It’s not fair for me as I’m not slender at all and have no wings.

- That’s absolutely true, my friend! But I promise I won’t go higher than your reach and… on a second thought, every time I fly amongst the little hairs of your ears, try to listen to the sound which will be made. This way it will become an inspiration for composing your own music playing the guitar later this afternoon.

- But there is problem! I don't have a guitar.

Edo's face had become very sad. He spread his hands and shrugged.

- I don't have a guitar - he repeated quietly.

- You can buy one.

- This is my next problem. I don't have enough money for it.

Edo looked even more sad. It seemed that a tear would roll down his cheek. Yu-Kage was sorry because she saw how sad her friend was. She flew twice in a circle, then she stopped in front of Edo.

- We must do something! - she said decisively.

- What can we do? Nothing.

- Yes, we must buy a guitar for you!

- But how?




The sounds of beautiful, gentle music began to be spread around. The squirrel closed his eyes and he was enjoying it. Somewhere from the woods came the quiet singing of birds and it harmoniously merged with the music. Inside his cozy nest, lulled by the charming music that surrounded him, the squirrel fell asleep and very soon a broad smile was shaped on his face. He dreamt of himself as a dancer. He was wearing white tight-fitted T-shirt and black bell-bottomed trousers. The black soft leather shoes, which matched his dancing costume, helped him to slide smoothly on the shiny circular floor! All around, about two hundred pairs of eyes were fixed on his elegant and agile movements. He had become a distinguished dancer, after all those years of studying, practicing and taking part in Dance Festivals.

He was listening only to the music. He was in his own special world, the world of dance. All his movements were graceful and they followed the rhythm. He made a magnificent pirouette and the public began to applaud. He made another turn. The applause became more powerful. And then even stronger! But the applause suddenly became strange. It did not resemble like an applause. He opened his eyes. Someone was knocking on his tree.



Aria flew around and she watched their work.

- Excellent! Excellent! I hope everything will be alright till our feast - she said and she wrote something on her paper with the program:

Winter Solstice, December 2019

 Main area: Farrel’s dancing groups

Minor area: Maestro Cricket’s choir

Music: Edo and Yu-Kage

Decoration: Monsieur Devieur

Aria kept on working out the program and thinking of the stalls, which could be set at the festivity areas. There would be forest products, second hand items, cakes, etc. on them and they would be sold at a very low price. After all, it had been decided this year’s celebration would be a charity event for the fire victims.




- Wow! What a beautiful berry! How big it is! The biggest of all!

Yu-Kage flew closer and she got surprised to see the berry. The berry was uncommonly big and looked very tempting. It had a beautiful red color and smelled wonderful. It looked just overwhelming.

- Edo, what kind of a berry is this? I have never seen it before.

- I don't know. Neither have I seen something like this before! But it looks so beautiful! - Mmm... what a nice smell! Mmm... I must taste it!

- Edo, it is not good to eat unknown things.

- I don't care. I must taste it. It will certainly be very tasty. Do you want to taste it?

- No! Don't you taste it either!

But Edo inserted the berry into his mouth.

- Mmmm... it was excellent! Let's see if there are any more! - he stroked his belly with his hand.

At great disappointment of Edo, he could not find such a big and delicious berry. Neither did Yu-Kage, who got very curious about it.

- Oh, Edo! It was the only and one! - she said after a long time of searching. That means that it is of a rare species and you ate it! What a shame! We won’t have the chance to see it anymore… at least for this year.



The ever-benevolent deer, the Grandma Fairy’s pet, has always been eager to do whatever he was asked. So, he started his journey to the Seventh Forest. In a leafy envelope which was arranged on his antlers, he carried the message that Grandma Fairy had prepared:

The Magical Crazy Berry appeared in our forest, too.

Please, send the antidote recipe. URGENT!!!!

The deer trotted on the meadows with his long and powerful legs. He crossed the tall trees of the forests and passed by or even swam crossing lakes... He went on with his trotting even during the night; deer have a sufficiently good night vision.

After he had passed by the Gorgeous Castle, he had a strange feeling that he was followed by someone, but he ignored it. He had started to feel so tired that he thought that everything might have been in his mind.



The clouds parted quickly and after a heavy downpour the sky was clear again. The Sun shone on the meadow and flowers spread their petals. The ladybug was lying on a wide leaf and she was enjoying a beautiful day now. She watched the jet plane fly and leave its trail on the blue sky.

But soon her peace was disturbed. Her friend, the grasshopper, was in a big hurry and he came making big jumps.

- Hey, why such a hurry? - the ladybug wondered.

- Oh, I finally found you! This is very important! - the grasshopper was panting.

- What happened? Out with it!

- That's terrible! That's really terrible! Our friend, the butterfly, has lost the colors on his wings!

- He lost the colors on his wings!?

- Yes, its wings are now completely transparent, like glass.

- How is that possible?

- He flew when it was raining and that washed the paint off his wings. He is very sad now and he is ashamed to fly over the meadow.

- Oh, that's really terrible! We have to help him. Can you take me to him?

Both moved to the butterfly’s place, but he was nowhere.




King Oleander was left alone for a moment. Little Queen Lavanda was to his thoughts. He closed his eyes and he imagined her figure. He smiled slightly. Councilor Pelin returned very quickly in a hurry. He was very excited. His face expressed despair and fear. As if it wasn't the man who had just been here. King Oleander immediately noticed this great change.

- Something happened? You look like you swallowed a toad.

- Horror, horror, Your Majesty!!!!

- Come on, tell me, Counselor Pelin.

- That's terrible, Your Majesty! That's terrible!

- What's terrible !? Say it once!

- The messenger brought an urgent message that a terrible dragon had reappeared in the southern part of our kingdom!

- Again? What a terrible dragon?

- Oh, Your Majesty, you don't remember, because you were a little child then. That was thirty years ago.

- Hmm... yes. I really don't remember that. I only heard some stories about it.

- I hoped that this terrible monster would never appear in our kingdom again. He seems to have woken up after a long, long sleep and he is grumpy and hungry now. The messenger says that he is throwing fire in all directions and that he has already burned two villages. Apparently, he is now moving towards our castle.

- We must protect our subjects immediately. Quickly inform the commanders, let them declare the alarm and they prepare the army. I will take my sword and my shield. No one will attack my kingdom with impunity!

- But, Your Majesty, you cannot do that! Our army is not big and strong enough to oppose this monster. Your deceased dad, His Majesty King Lotus IV, barely managed to drive away that terrible dragon with a much larger and more powerful army. He himself was severely wounded and he almost died. Your Majesty, you cannot engage in battle with this beast. You will die immediately!

- Then what can I do? I am the king, I must protect my subjects!



Three friends, the ladybug, the grasshopper and the butterfly used a nice, sunny day to walk through the meadow. They moved slowly and they chatted happily. The ladybug stopped suddenly.

- Do you hear? Someone is crying!

- I don't hear anything - the butterfly is determined.

- Yes, someone is really crying. It seems to me there behind that big flower - the grasshopper pointed in the direction.

- Let's see! - suggested the ladybug.

They quickly reached the spot where they found the crying bumblebee.

- Hey, why are you crying? the butterfly asked.

- What do you want from me!? Leave me alone! - the bumblebee replied, sobbing.

- We want to help you, if we can. Tell us why are you crying? - the ladybug said softly.

- No one can help me.

- You can never know that. Maybe we can do something after all. What's the problem? - the grasshopper continued.

- Don't you see!? Look at what I look like. All bumblebees are black and have yellow or orange stripes, and I'm blue and I have red stripes. Nobody loves me. Everyone avoids me. They think I'm sick - the bumblebee cried even harder.

- But, you can suck pollen from the flowers, can’t you? - the grasshopper asked.

- Oh, I can! Of course, I can, but who cares! Everybody avoids me! - answered the blue bumblebee and went on crying.

- You can move your wings back and forth, can’t you? -  the butterfly asked him.

- Of course, I can, like every other bumblebee, but my color makes them fly away and leave me totally alone - the good-natured blue bumblebee went on answering the questions although he’s been in a very sad mood.

- Can you  feel any pain in your body? - was the ladybug's question now because she had already started to make scenarios in her mind about how the docile bumblebee might have come up with these colors that made her different and that caused such trouble to her. 

- Thank you very much for your interest! I have no pain in my body, only in my heart the pain is great… - the blue bumblebee managed to say and burst into louder crying.




- Someone is there in a flower pot in the corner of the garden, but that doesn’t want to say who it is - he told his friends.

- Why didn't you look? - replied the ladybug.

- I wanted you to see who it was, too - the butterfly didn't want to tell the truth.

- Well, then let’s see who it is - the grasshopper said carelessly and he started jumping towards the corner of the garden.

The butterfly and the ladybug landed in front of the pot, and the grasshopper jumped on it. A moment later they clearly heard a sigh.

- It's here! - said the grasshopper, and began to remove the leaves. A small flower appeared in front of him.

- See how gentle and beautiful it is! - the grasshopper called his friends.

- A daisy! - the ladybug and the butterfly said at the same time, surprised.

- You shouldn’t have been here, right? - the ladybug asked.

- I’ve said goodbye to your relatives and we promised to meet each other next year. They had all gone. And, today, you…!?! - the butterfly talked to the daisy.

- I know! You may think I’m a fool! - told them the daisy.

- Personally, I’m very glad you are here! - the butterfly hurried to say.

- But, you don’t look so glad, do you? - the grasshopper asked bearing in mind the daisy’s sigh.

- I could see that warm days go on. Even though it’s autumn time, it feels like spring. I started to open my florets to get showered by the warm sun, but all these weeds around…- the daisy started her story since three pairs of ears were there willing to listen to her.




The tall man, who was really a painter, focused on the poppies and started to put the main shapes, sketching them on the canvas.

Being very curious, the grasshopper hopped onto the right upper edge of the easel to have a close look at the painting. Feeling a bit discontent, the painter raised his arm and sent it away with a gesture of his.

- You’ve been quite impatient - the butterfly said to the grasshopper and she went on saying: - I’ll fly over the painting in a while and we’ll learn if we are part of it.

- What did you see!? What did you see!? - the dandelion asked impatiently.

- Not much - the grasshopper replied shortly.

- Is he painting me? - the dandelion continued very curiously.

- No, I didn't see that.

- Mhhh ... he would have to do it!

- Why would he have to draw you? Who are you anyway? - the daisy interfered in the conversation.

- How, who am I!? I am certainly the most beautiful flower on this meadow! I'm like the sun, and the sun is so beautiful! My flower is yellow as a ducat! Do you see how beautiful I am! You’d better look at yourself how miserable you look! You are so tiny and you have plain white petals that look like nothing!

- I don't care! I'm satisfied as I am. I don’t care at all if I’m going to be in the picture or not.

- I will see what he is painting -  the ladybug said. She was also curious. She, like her friends, had never seen a real painter paint. She spread her wings, she made a semicircle and she came behind the painter’s back and she carefully landed on his shoulder. She found a good place there and she watched  every move of his carefully. He was so fascinated by his work that he noticed nothing but his canvas. He would often take paint with his brush and apply it to the painting. Red the most.

- He is painting poppies! - the ladybug reported excitedly when she returned.

- And me!? Is he painting me!? - the dandelion fluttered its petals excitedly.




The opening of the door interrupted his daydreaming. A woman about his age entered his workshop. Her dark gray coat must have known better days, but it still looked decent enough. The ocher scarf might not fit perfectly with the coat, but it fitted the woman's face perfectly. A few strands of honey-colored hair peeked out from under the black hat. Her black boots were very well preserved, although it had been a long time since they were new. She had a very refined posture, even though her clothes looked so modest.

- Here you go! Welcome! - Fabijan quickly set down his mug and he got up.

- You make shoes, right? - she said in a very gentle voice and circled with her gaze around the workshop.

- Yes, of course... although I haven't done it for a long time... well, it doesn't matter.

- I would like a pair of shoes...

- Then, you are in the right place! - Fabijan smiled.

She opened her woman's purse and took a photo out of some old magazine.

- Can you make me shoes like this? I want them from the moment I first saw them in this photo. I can't buy these in any store. They produce completely different models today.

Fabijan wiped his hands on his work apron, even though they weren't dirty. He did so according to his long habit. He adjusted his glasses on his nose, then he took the photo in his hand.

- I can, of course! But I can not...

- How is that possible? Either you can, or you can’t!? - the lady was surprised.

- I can, but I really can't. Someone has already made such shoes, so if I made exactly the same ones, I would steal his model in some way. I can make very, very similar shoes. They would differ in only a few details. I assure you, your shoes would be even nicer.

- If they look even nicer, it goes without saying that I want them. - the woman said in a definite way.

- I guess you want them as soon as possible, since Christmas is just ahead - Fabijan said to her, when he noticed that her face turned a little bit sad.

- I have nothing special to do or go somewhere for Christmas holiday, but I need a present for myself - the woman said, looking thoughtful.



The dragon named Rachnapool is living on the mountain. It is a fairly large mountain overgrown with many trees and greenery. It is a very nice area to live, and he, with his gray legs and his green and brown body, fit in perfectly with the environment. In fact his home is in a cave. It’s not a big cave, actually just big enough for him. He was pleased with his home which looked even more beautiful since he painted the walls. Most of the drawings show apples, pears, cherries, blackberries... It is his favorite food. One, two apples or pears are enough for him for the whole day. Yes, indeed, he is not like any dragon, fearsome and dangerous. He is gentle and he has a very good heart. But he never had a chance to show it. He often looked longingly at the village situated at the foot of the mountain. Several times he tried to get close to the people, but they got scared and ran away in panic when they saw him. Once, the braver ones attacked him by throwing stones. Since then, they have lived without attempts at intimacy. People know that he lives on a mountain, they are afraid and they avoid any unnecessary going there. He watches with longing from a distance as they socialize and rejoice. He would like to have some friends because he is so lonely. Even the animals that live in the mountain do not trust him and they run away when they see him. That loneliness is so horrible.

It has been an early winter day today, foggy and very humid in the daybreak, but well promising to get dry and warm later on. Rachnapool lazily scrabbed his eyes as he got up and had a look outside, standing at the threshold of his cave. Then, he stretched his bat-like wings and flew to the nearest wild apple trees that were laden with fruit. He picked up four of them with his two short front legs. He carried them back to the cave on his claws. He sat down on a fluffy covering of dried leaves he neatly arranged. He blew a small amount of fire out of his wide mouth and kept on till he baked two of the apples he had collected. He gulped them and caressed his belly, being very pleased.

- Winter time already and Christmas is very near - he thought and sighed. - I’m sure people in the village must have started their preparations for it. Let me go for a short flight over their houses and yards.

The longing for company has become extremely great. He went out in front of his cave and before he spread his wings he said to himself:

- But they don't like me! They avoid me! They are afraid of me! Maybe I better not go there.

He turned and he stepped back into his cave.

- Wait! Stop! The door won't open if I don't knock on it! I have to show them that I want to be their friend. Maybe someone understands that!




- Maggie! Maggie! Maggie, are you here!? - she called her. But the answer did not come.

- She is not here. If she is not here, then she can't have stolen the teaspoon - said Yu-Kage.

- This is something strange. The teaspoon couldn't have disappeared on its own.

- Edo, you lost a spoon somewhere or someone else stole it. You must  keep an eye on your stuff - Yu-Kage explained.

- Yu-Kage, I think you like this bird and this is the reason why you can’t see clearly, you can’t be objective.

- Look, who’s talking! Are y-o-u objective? You saw nothing, nevertheless you blame Maggie, Maggie straightaway and only Maggie. Why, Edo?

- They’ve got the reputation of the thieves of the forest. That’s why!

- Have you ever wondered if this reputation is wrong?

- To be honest, the other day I read an article about them where magpies were just described as merely inquisitive and interested in objects in general.



In that moment, the forest fairy, Diora, was passing next to the house. Yu-Kage noticed her.

- Diora! Diora! - she called her.

- Oh, hello! I was in a hurry, so I did not see you. Hmm... ! You are looking very concerned - said Diora.

- So many thefts in our forest! Of course, we are concerned! My teaspoon is gone! - Edo complained.

- Yes, I know. That is why I'm passing through the forest and I'm trying to find out what is happening - Diora explained.

- We were by the hedgehog's shortly before. His watch is just gone! - said Yu-Kage.

- That is indeed terrible! - Edo said angrily.

- The watch!? Wait for one moment... The watch! Edo, do you have an alarm clock!? - Diora smiled.

- Of course, I have! Why?

- Bring it here, please!



The morning mist was still covering the landscape of the garden and the silhouettes of the emerald dwarfs were scarcely discerned moving busily, in pairs or in groups, up and down the meandering paths, ready to start pruning, trimming, patio cleaning,... The entrances of the grottos looked like large, dark opened mouths. The sound of moving water of the artificial creeks was giving a sense of serenity. The tiny frogs and toads were waking up, making their first jumps around the pond areas.

For sure, this mist would give its place to a glorious sun later on, to reveal the splendor of the Emerald Fragrant Garden. The sunlight would play off the petals of the flowers and the leaves of the plants of various species; fragrant foliage of gorgeous geraniums, colorful and vibrant all the time anemones, lovely, trumpet-shaped, bringing a tropical vibe, hibiscuses!

Plant hunters keep on bringing new exciting species from all over the world. There’s even a maidenhair tree, which dates back to the Jurassic epoch. Every autumn, its golden, fan-shaped leaves impress beyond words. Though, the beloved plant of the dwarfs, the gardeners, is the evergreen Moonshine with the silver-green leaves and the bright lemon flat-topped flowers that grow throughout summer.

This wonderful garden belongs to the dwarfs and it looks like that only thanks to the great effort and love they invest. The garden means a lot to them and they are very proud of it. It is the place where they find their pleasure, rather it is an important place for their products. They use herbs from the garden for blends of extremely fragrant and delicious teas, herbal creams, scented soaps and cosmetics. Many are delighted with their products and orders arrive every day, so the dwarfs are very busy. But they are used to work. They arranged extremely beautiful paths throughout the garden, they made birdhouses and arranged them all around. The birds are very grateful to them and they often brighten their day with their chirping. The creek flows through the garden and it creates a soothing atmosphere with its quiet murmur. A small lake is located near the middle of the garden. The sun is reflected every day in the water from the lake and gives a special glow to clear water. Flowers of water lily, water violet, forget-me-not, water hyacinth, frogbit, marsh-marigold, pickerelweed and purple marshlocks additionally decorate it and make it exceptional. Goldfish glide peacefully through the water completely interested only in their aquatic world.

The well is located on the other side of the garden. The dwarfs made an arbor above it. At each corner of the arbor they planted roses, which grew very tall and decorated the arbor and the well with their many delicate and fragrant flowers. The water from the well refreshes the dwarfs, but it is very welcome on hot summer days for watering the plants, if the rain has not soaked the ground for a long time.

Mid-spring time already and the hard work of the dwarfs has borne fruits. If you could only see their garden from above! It looked like a colorful, perfectly woven Persian carpet! The light rain that fell, the day before, renewed the colors and made the garden plants look happy, fresh and beautiful. This beauty of them attracted a timid roe deer to jump into the garden, this dawn of the day, to taste some of the tender grass and young shoots.
