Thinking Questions

South Carolina ELA Standards: W.MCC.1, W.MCC.3, W.RC.6, C.MC.1

These questions can be used as writing prompts, turn and talk prompts, or full class discussions.

This activity can be used digitally or be printed. These questions can be displayed on the board, posted on a digital platform, read orally, or printed for individual students.

Write about a time you made a mistake! How did you feel? What did you do next?

Do you think it's okay to make mistakes? Why or why not?

Compare Beatrice and her brother, Carl. What could they learn from each other? Who are you more like?

Draw a line down the center of your paper. On the left side, write a mistake you've made. Across from it, on the right side, write what you learned from this mistake. See if you can list at least 5!

Writing Prompt: AND THEN...

The story ends when Beatrice learns that it's okay to make mistakes. What happens now... You write the NEXT part! Does she continue to accept her mistakes? Does she help someone else who also struggles to make mistakes? What situation does she find herself in next? Be creative and have fun!