Service, Scholarship

As we hear each others' stories, let us unite in solidarity creating new stories in our city and our world. Below you will see

-Opportunities to do Service Learning and you can get consultation on this.

-Opportunities to explore story, narrative, oral history.

-Opportunities to present at local, state, national, and international conferences.

-Opportunities to publish engaged scholarship coming from service.

Those teaching at the University of the Incarnate Word may apply for small stipends for engaged scholarship and/or service learning related to "Stories of Truth and Transformation" Click here for the application.

Compassionate Integrity Training will be offered virtually Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Aug. 4 to Oct. 6, 2022. Learn about CIT Be a part of building compassion in our city. For information

SACRD is a directory of resources offered by congregations, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and compassionate groups in and around San Antonio. The San Antonio Community Resource Directory

Not sure where to start? Watch a video

GivePulse is the community engagement platform bringing together individuals, businesses, social impact organizations, institutions of higher ed and their cities to volunteer, collaborate, research and fundraise for initiatives that address the wicked challenges of the community. To do this, we provide the foundational tools to streamline volunteer recruitment, scheduling and communication, abilities to convert volunteers to be donors, services to activate, engage and cultivate affinity groups, databases for administrators to report on their partnerships and impact and much much more. Learn more at

SA2020 drives progress toward a shared Community Vision for San Antonio through research, storytelling, and practice. Core Values include: Community: We work to achieve results prioritized by the community. We follow and uphold the community’s vision, understanding that the collective well-being of San Antonians is a shared responsibility. Accountability: The community’s agenda is our agenda. We are transparent and intentional in our work, holding ourselves, multi-sector organizations, and elected officials accountable to collective goals. Leadership: We believe everyone is capable of affecting change, and we respect knowledge and expertise across all levels of organizational hierarchy and power. Curiosity: We challenge one another to ask “why.” We practice continuous learning and improvement, while always leading with results. Celebration: We celebrate incremental change. We seek joy while engaging in the difficult work of systems change.

Healthy People, Healthy Planet

Get active online with these urgent issues affecting our global well-being.

Unite in a just and science-based response to the COVID, climate, and biodiversity crisis, including global targets for climate and biodiversity action, an end to fossil fuels and damaging agricultural approaches, and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.

Batey Girls jewelry is handcrafted by women and girls escaping human trafficking, exploitation, and domestic violence in the Dominican Republic. Please consider browsing their online shop at to support their efforts.

The Interfaith Welcome Coalition helps 300 migrants a day by providing support in numerous ways such as meeting the needs of asylum seekers, refugees, and at-risk immigrants

The Center for Refugee Services assists more than 1,000 clients a year. They are legally resettled refugees who have come from more than 20 countries torn by violence, war, and human rights abuses to make their home in San Antonio. Refugees have positive economic impact on countries where they settle once they have an opportunity to adapt. Help these international guests lean skills and you can make life long friends.

Collaborating in Refugee Services, Remembering Afghans. A collaborative effort to support the organizations charged with Refugee care in San Antonio. The purpose is to give San Antonio individuals, congregations, organizations, businesses, etc. the opportunity to serve Afghan Refugees well by working with San Antonio's refugee organizations guiding the way.

Ella Austin Community Center's mission is to empower individuals and families across their life span by providing multiple, integrated services that meet the needs of San Antonio’s Eastside neighborhoods and beyond

Black Freedom Factory exists to build a more racially and socially just society by cultivating racial equity across San Antonio through data-driven advocacy, mentorship programs for grassroots organizers, community outreach, anti-racism training, and consulting.

The Charles Roundtree Bloom Project aims to create a space of communal healing for youth impacted by incarceration by facilitating healing-centered outdoor experiences and culturally relevant environmental education that will help them envision new possibilities for their lives, for their communities, and for our world.

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. They believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities. Visit the link and discover the many ways to get involved with their volunteer opportunities

Unsheltered People and Affordable Housing. The Interfaith San Antonio Alliance has information on many groups working together

US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking is a collaborative, faith-based national network that offers education, supports access to survivor services, and engages in advocacy in an effort to eradicate modern-day slavery.

Esperanza Peace & Justice Center advocates for those wounded by domination and inequality — women, people of color, the lesbian, gay, trans, and queer community, the working class, and the poor. There is currently an opportunity to earn a more involved internship to help with housing justice issues Internships | Esperanza Peace and Justice Center ( and opportunities to sign up to be a general volunteer Become Buena Gente | Esperanza Peace and Justice Center (

Raindrop Turkish House organizes every year its traditional Turkic Cultures and Children’s Festival where the kaleidoscope of varying people from the Turkic world is showcased. Representative bodies and communities from Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, The Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, and more celebrate the rich mosaic of variant cultures and heritages with the help of both local and international sponsors.

Serve and do scholarship through the Generation Equality Forum

Be a part of a 5-year journey to accelerate equality, leadership, and opportunity for women and girls worldwide. This work will culminate in 2026. The Generation Equality Forum also fueled a powerful and lasting coalition for gender equality. It presented a vital moment for activists, feminists, youth, and allies to achieve transformative change for generations to come. The Forum took place at a critical moment. COVID-19 has exacerbated existing gender inequities, with reports of rising violence against women, as well as higher adverse economic impacts caused both by increased unpaid caregiving and the fact that women work in more insecure, low-paid, and informal jobs. Women of color, indigenous women, and youth face compounded risks and barriers.

Read "Young women work together to present at UN forum," Global Sisters Report, Sep 2, 2021, by Martha A. Kirk, Tatum Spriester about carrying forward the work on the Girls Global Summit. Get involved with future work through

The Young Women’s Global Leadership Program and Summit is an international citizenship leadership training program that provides girls and young women the opportunity to discover how they can influence and create positive change at home and abroad. Contact us for more information on how you can get involved.

Inner City Development - After September 1, 2021, they can be reached at (210) 224-7239 - They are seeking after school tutors, seeking people to help with food distribution and community living is available in exchange for working there 18 hours a week

Brackenridge Park Conservancy will help secure long-lasting financial, institutional, and community support for the park's preservation, enhancement, and maintenance. The Conservancy seeks to ensure the best possible user experience for future generations by improving park amenities, providing programming, and building a sense of stewardship in the community. Please reach out via email at or website

Headwaters at the Incarnate Word - their mission is to preserve, restore and celebrate the rich natural, cultural, historical, spiritual, and educational values of the headwaters of the San Antonio River, especially within the 53-acre Headwaters Sanctuary. Headwaters is a non-profit sponsored Earth care ministry of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Headwaters is adjacent to, but not part of, the University. Please reach out via email or website

San Antonio River Authority creates unprecedented opportunities for education, recreation, and interaction with nature along the river to initiating, funding, installing, and maintaining exciting urban art projects by renowned artists from San Antonio, the U.S., and across the globe. Please reach out via email or website

Gardopia Gardens sprouted in 2015 to address health disparities in a high-crime corridor on the near-Eastside of San Antonio. Initially funded by the San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA), Gardopia implemented crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) as a methodology to reduce crime around an abandoned lot. Working with SAHA, this became the Eastside's first "gardopia," or garden utopia, where neighbors grow their own food and transform their community. Please reach out via email or website

The Each One Teach One vision is to enable functionally illiterate, out-of-school teens and adults to reach their educational and personal goals and to strengthen those who are economically and socially disadvantaged. Their mission is to improve the literacy levels of San Antonio's adult population through individualized curricula and one-on-one tutoring. Please reach out via email or website

La Casita de Saber of Incarnate Word addresses the needs and concerns of economically poor women and children by helping them achieve greater self-sufficiency and independence through education which offers year-round, one-on-one tutoring and small group classes in GED preparation (English/Spanish), English as a Second Language, computer skills training, college prep, and college-level tutoring as well as academic and financial aid advisement. Please reach out via email or website

Martinez Street Women's Center transforms communities through women and girls by providing access to vital health services, quality education, and advocacy. We envision a world where women and girls achieve empowerment, equality, and justice. The Girl Zone program is a free empowerment program for girls in elementary and middle school who lack opportunities simply because of the zip code that they live in and the Community Health Program meets the urgent needs of our community members by increasing access to preventative health services and enhancing the knowledge and awareness of health issues. Please reach out via email or website

San Antonio Cultural Arts organizes various events, including a Dia de Los Muertos Barrio procession, mural tours, youth programming, and the Huevos Rancheros Fundraising Gala. To build a community where people have the opportunity to realize their creative abilities, interpret their culture and heritage through their own unique vision, and cultivate and showcase the talent of residents living in San Antonio's Westside. Please reach out via email or website

The Witte Museum promotes lifelong learning through innovative exhibitions, programs, and collections in natural history, science, and South Texas heritage. Lifelong learning is demonstrated in our daily activities, both inside and outside the museum. The Witte Museum embraces its venerable history, at the same time showing a bold front symbolizing the community's future. Please reach out via email or website

SAMMinistries is an interfaith ministry whose mission is to help the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless attain self-sufficiency by offering, with dignity and compassion, shelter, housing, and services. SAMMinistries also provides volunteers opportunities to be renewed and fulfilled as they serve. Please reach out via email or website

The Visitation House of Incarnate Word addresses the needs and concerns of economically poor women and children. To assist the homeless single mothers and to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness in their lives and the lives of their children, it offers the opportunity, time, and resources to acquire the education and training necessary to achieve and maintain long-term employment and economic self-sufficiency. Please reach out via email or website

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio provides for the needs of our community through selfless service under the sign of love. Committed to empowering individuals and families with the goal of fostering independence, we provide over 25 bilingual and culturally sensitive programs in 19 counties throughout the Archdiocese of San Antonio without regard to gender, race, creed, religion, disability, national origin, or socioeconomic status. Please reach out via email or website

The Dialogue Institute of the Southwest is to promotes mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among people of diverse faiths and cultures by creating opportunities for direct communication and meaningful shared experiences. Additionally, the vision of this organization is to balance dignity in a society where everyone can view and treat each other with dignity. Please reach out via email or website

The Jewish Federation of San Antonio is the coordinating and convening body dedicated to building the Jewish community, nurturing the quality of Jewish life, and securing a favorable Jewish future in San Antonio and worldwide. Please reach out via email or website

The Society of St, Vincent de Paul of San Antonio involves over 2,000 dedicated Vincentian members and other committed SVDP volunteers who serve children, families, and individuals in need. Through our 68 conferences that are located in or near Catholic parishes throughout the community, Vincentians identify needs and provide a wide variety of services for basic needs such as food, clothing, rent, furniture, prescription medicine, and utility assistance. Please reach out via email or website

The San Antonio Food Bank provides food and grocery products to more than 530 partner agencies in 16 counties throughout Southwest Texas. In FY2015, the San Antonio Food Bank provided nearly 62 million pounds of food. The mission of the SAFB is to fight hunger in Southwest Texas through food distribution, programs, education, and advocacy. Please reach out via email or website

Boys and Girls Clubs of San Antonio serve youth through a variety of after-school and summer programs including homework assistance, technology centers, teen centers, career exploration, job assistance, sports and recreation, art classes, and leadership development. Please reach out via email or website

The Healy-Murphy Center is to provide compassionate service to youth in crisis by focusing on individualized education in a non-traditional high school setting, early childhood development, and essential support services. Also, its vision is to ensure that young people in crisis will be able to receive a high-quality education and compassionate care in a safe, supportive environment. Please reach out via email or website

St. PJ’s mission is to be a safe and loving refuge for children in crisis and to accompany them on their journey to healing and wholeness, breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect, one child. Please reach out via email or website

At the Young Women's Leadership Academy, they believe that 100 percent of their students will graduate prepared to enroll and complete college, becoming active participants in their community. They provide students with a college preparatory curriculum and offerings that enrich students’ overall competitiveness and challenge students to engage in deeper independent learning experiences outside of the classroom. Please reach out via email or website

CHRISTUS HEALTH, a Catholic health ministry, will be a leader, a partner, and an advocate in the creation of innovative health and wellness solutions that improve the lives of individuals and communities so that all may experience God's healing presence and love. Please reach out via email or website

The Villiage at Incarnate Word extends the healing ministry of Jesus Christ to all those we serve. Our commitment is to show respect for the whole person at every stage of life, focusing on the unique needs of elderly adults. We provide a continuum of care, housing, and services while offering compassion, comfort, and opportunities for spiritual growth. Learn more about the Village at If you are interested in volunteering with the residents please write

LiftFund provides credit and services to small businesses and entrepreneurs who do not have access to loans from commercial sources and to provide leadership and innovation to the microlending industry. Community Microlending & CDFI Loans. LiftFund is a designated community development financial institution or CDFI. CDFI's are working in communities across the United States to provide affordable, responsible credit, create and sustain jobs, and stabilize communities. CDFI loans finance community businesses, including small businesses, microenterprises, nonprofit organizations, commercial real estate, and affordable housing. Please reach out via email or website

Serve to reallocate millions to help the world’s vulnerable peoples. War seems to be the most wasteful thing in the world. We can no longer afford to waste resources and people in that way. Unite in Goal 6 Learn from “World Beyond War” and organize a chapter. WBW unites the efforts of people and organizations who want to end ALL war in ALL countries. We recognize that today’s communication technology and social media give us the ability to do something that has never been done before: raise our voices WORLDWIDE to spread support for war abolition activism. World BEYOND War has chapters in 9 countries with more in development. Be the change you want to see, start to gather people in your area. Start a chapter. Email us at to get started.

Recycling. To say that everything is connected may sound trite but in every aspect of our work in waste reduction, sustainability, environmental justice and our campus communities it is almost impossible to accomplish anything in a vacuum. College and University Recycling Coalition, CURC, has its 2021 Workshop with the theme Community Connections because we cannot accomplish our goals of reducing waste, increasing diversion and protecting the health of our community and our environment without making the necessary connections to engage, understand, and collaborate. Join the workshop and serve on our campus and in our city. CURC's Annual Workshop: Community Connections, September 30th 11 to 3 pm Central Time. Learn more and register Constant opportunities in the UIW Community Garden, contact Dr. Ben Miele

The Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions is a human justice policy, advocacy and training center founded, directed and staffed by academics and advocates who were formerly incarcerated. It is the first and only one of its kind in the United States. One of our first initiatives is to respond to the negative public perception about our population as expressed in the language and concepts used to describe us. Work with us. Learn and start today. .

Consider service and scholarship in relation to the exhibit “Humanity in Black and White.” In the face of homelessness, in the face of racism, unite to set up educational events, to set up service projects. Contact

Network with other developing programs that involve valuing stories and/or collecting stories, such as:

1. Westside Community Oral History project sponsored by Esperanza Justice and Peace Center which provides training and “kits” to collect stories;

2. San Antonio African American Community Archives and Museum Oral History Project, a collection of original stories - including text, documents, photographs, videos and audio files celebrating the African American past, present and future of San Antonio and the surrounding area;

3, UTSA Oral Histories, a part of their Libraries Special Collections;

4. StoryCorps in which recordings are stored in the Library of Congress.

5. The StoryCore “do-it-yourself” resources for groups starting; 6. The Smithsonian Institution Archives of American Art's Pandemic Oral History Project with an interview of San Antonio photographer Al Rendon, August 18, 2020;

7. The San Antonio Report stories of loved ones lost to COVID;

8. The SA Community Resource Directory seeks stories of those using it;

9. the H.E.B Foundation’s Narrative Change Project which involves “Who is my neighbor?”

10. The Archives of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and their connection with UIW.

11. Listen to Black men in San Antonio telling their stories revealing reality. Lionel Sosa reflected on a sign “You can’t be anti-racist unless you’re actively anti-racist” which led him to paint 33 portraits of black men sharing stories of what it is like “Living in my skin” This recent exhibit of paintings and stories notes that the demographics of our urban area is 63% Hispanic and 7% Black and raises the provocative question “Many assume we are culturally enlightened. We are post-racist. Are we?”

University of the Incarnate Word faculty seeking assistance with service learning can get individual assistance. Please write

Opportunities to present at local, state, national conferences.

Gulf South Summit for Service Learning

"Service Learning and Engaged Scholarship Showcase," in University of the Incarnate Word Research Week See examples of things presented in the Showcase 2017 through 2022

Training Opportunities and Workshops

Opportunities to publish engaged scholarship coming from service.

Start to think about stories. Read of a Robert Wood Johnson Project: "Social isolation is not a personal choice or individual problem, but one that is rooted in community design, social norms, and systemic injustices. In recent decades, people in the United States and around the world have experienced soaring rates of social isolation, with profound impacts on health and well-being. Far from being a personal choice, social isolation stems from community designs and systemic injustices that keep people and neighborhoods apart. We must reshape our communities in ways that support meaningful social connection among residents, improve trust between neighbors, and strengthen an overall sense of belonging and community. From architects to educators, faith leaders to health providers, local governments to grantmakers—we all can play a part in creating opportunities that build relationships between neighbors, improve trust, and foster an overall sense of community." Read more

Consider the Robert Wood Johnson Project at the University of the Incarnate Word, Action Research learning to listen to stories and further well-being in the city of San Antonio. This pilot project is to support design, testing and evaluation of action research approaches that increase participation and strengthen existing community health and wellbeing efforts with target groups.