
Examples of Service Learning and Engaged Scholarship

Presentation in the Gulf South Service Learning Summit, 2021, “Creative Life and Relationships Emerging from Dia de los muertos,” building relationships in three countries and four institutions. See and hear students talk about their experience Incarnate Word Cross Cultural Contact and Compassion” https://youtu.be/izdLWuYxne8

Described in “May the Communion of Saints bring us comfort!” Global Sisters Report, February 21, 2020 https://www.globalsistersreport.org/news/coronavirus/column/may-communion-saints-bring-us-comfort

Read "Young women work together to present at UN forum," Global Sisters Report, Sep 2, 2021, by Martha A. Kirk, Tatum Spriester about carrying forward the work on the Girls Global Summit.

https://www.globalsistersreport.org/news/ministry/column/young-women-work-together-present-un-forum describing global citizenship engagement in March, 2021. https://sites.google.com/view/satoun/home Now that is growing into The Young Women’s Global Leadership Program and Summit, an international citizenship leadership training program that provides girls and young women the opportunity to discover how they can influence and create positive change at home and abroad. https://sites.google.com/view/uiwywglps/home. Contact us for more information on how you can get involved. https://forms.gle/VgF5TMYBuoeaCN4W8