83% Of Business Owners Are Playing Music Illegally In Their Business

Streaming Music At Your Business? You Could Be Breaking The Law!

The music industry is losing billions each year because of small businesses misusing personal streaming services at their retail locations. Only 17 percent of small businesses have obtained the correct licenses to play music in shops, restaurants or public venues. Under existing copyright law restaurants, stores, and other public venues require a license to stream music. Yet Nielsen reports that only 17% of surveyed businesses have those licenses in place or are using a fully licensed streaming music service for business like StoreStreams. Roughly 83% of 21.3 million businesses – illicitly use a personal music service like Itunes, Pandora, or Spotify. What small business owners don't understand or claim not to understand is that the licensing that comes with a personal streaming service like Spotify or Itunes does not cover them for public performance royalties at their place of business and that they are breaking the law.

Owners Responsibility For Music and Copyright

We know that most business have employees and that the owner can't be there all the time. In most cases it is unlikely that a store clerk, bar manager, or mid-level office worker understands the nuances of music copyright law. Saying this it is also most likely that one of these people are going to be the ones to chooses the music being played while at work. While their intentions may be good, the outcome can be bad for the business owner. If you own a business or franchise, it is your responsibility to know enough about these laws to make decisions for your business, this includes your employees.

StoreStreams Commercial Streaming Music Service

Working with commercial streaming music services like StoreStreams, allows your business to play licensed music legally from PRO agencies like ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, Global Music Rights, and Sound Exchange. Simply put commercial streaming music services will manage the licensing issues for you to make sure your company is streaming music legally at your place of business. In most cases you will pay a small monthly subscription fee depending on your needs, and your business will have access to a large library of licensed streaming music. StoreStreams offers you personal control over playlist selection and can create custom music playlist to reinforce your business brand that sets the tone of your business.

StoreStreams also offers affordable remote managed playback hardware, that include music players and speakers that offer great sound quality. StoreStreams also gives you the opportunity to give your employees access to vetted licensed music selections through its streaming music service. You as the business owner can control the music being played at your place business and have peace of mind that your employees have licensed music choices to choose from.

StoreStreams - Streaming Music Service For Business

2401 W. Pecan Street Suite 200 C

Pflugerville Texas 78660

1-(866) 775-1013
