Go Pull Some Weeds!

Step 4: Pull Some Weeds!

As a participant in this project, we ask you to please use these guidelines when you are pulling invasive weeds.

  • Be sure to practice social distancing at all times. Do not gather in groups, and maintain at least 6 feet of distance between you and anyone else in the vicinity. Follow the latest CDC guidelines to stay safe.

  • Make sure you have positively identified the plant(s) you are about to pull. Know your weeds and what they look like in various stages, so that you aren't accidentally pulling out native species. If you're not sure about a plant, take a photo and log it on iNaturalist, then leave it for the time being until it is positively ID'ed.

  • Pull only what you can take out with you. Do not leave bags of weeds behind, but instead plan to pack out whatever you pull.

  • Put all invasive plant matter in the garbage, not green waste.