
Report on day of action

2nd November 2023 was the day of action for our campaign to stop the Telford arms fair known as SDSC-UK. Despite a yellow weather warning for heavy rain, we maintained a presence of up to 60 protesters aged 11+ outside the arms fair throughout the day. This followed a courageous action by several  activists the day before, who used their bodies to block the entrance. Six were arrested for this nonviolent action. Thanks and solidarity to those activists.

As cars entered the gates and taxis to drop delegates at the Telford International Centre on the morning of 2 November, they could have been left in no doubt about the opposition the event faced from the community, with banners chants and drumming.

Thank you to a great range of speakers:

·        Jo Blackman, XR

·        Melanie Jameson, founder of Malvern Individuals for Peace

·        Ellen Martin, Peace Pledge Union

·        John Cooper, Fellowship of Reconciliation

·        Dave Lawrence, veteran for peace

·        Dave Charlton - Trade unionist

·        Hannah Capstick - NEU

·        Fiona McCleary - Stand up to racism

·        Kirsten Bayes - CAAT

Melanie reminded us of the campaign in Malvern that campaigns take time and persistence, and it may take ongoing botheration to stop “SDSC-UK” from returning to Telford. Dave Lawrence emphasises that weapons can’t be excused as for security when their ultimate purpose will always be to kill. Fiona stressed that the arms trade is a question of racial and colonial violence. Kirsten was able to give a breakdown of the kind of arms promoted at SDSC-UK. We heard poems from Antony Owen and Atiaf alWazir.

As well as hearing words from a range of speakers, the Peace Pledge Union laid a wreath of white poppies at the gates, a reminder of all the victims of war past and present. The wreath will be placed by Telford Quakers at the Wellington Peace Garden so it its there during Remembrance.

Jo also led a People’s Assembly in which we broke into small groups to ask ourselves, how can we ensure the arms fair never comes back to Telford? These were recorded and we can use them to inform our ongoing campaign.

Another powerful part of the day was a Quaker Meeting for Worship attended by 31 Quakers and another 15 or so fellow travelers. Standing in a circle overlooking the venue during lunchtime. We were able to engage arms dealers and the public walked past. One young person from the local community joined to say how much they supported what the campaign was doing.

We remained until after 4pm when the arms fair had finished. Some of us warmed up over a drink afterwards in Albert's Shed, which of courses had eschewed a booking from the arms fair two nights earlier.

Of course, sadly the arms fair took place despite our campaign, so we will turn our minds and energy to how we can stop it next year. We had some informal discussions about whether we could build on the connections we’ve made to create a new peace and justice group in Shropshire.

Media coverage

Protests threatened as controversial arms fair moves to Telford | Shropshire Star, 3 July

Arms fair comes to Telford | based on 13 October interview , BBC Sounds

Six protestors arrested after chaining themselves to popular venue's entry gates | Birmingham Mail, 1 November

Six people arrested after anti-arms fair protest at Telford International Centre | Shropshire Star, 1 Nov

Letter calls for Telford defence event to be cancelled | BBC, 13 October 2023

'Their job is to kill': Armed forces veteran joins campaign against weapons fair in Telford | Shropshire Star, 20 October

Extinction Rebellion blockade arms fair at Telford International Centre | Shropshire Live, 1 November

No arms fair in Telford say local Quakers| Quakers in Britain, 2 Nov