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How did the arms fair end up in Telford with a new name?

The 3CDSE arms fair at Three Counties Showground was the subject of intense opposition so it ended up moving to Telfordand rebranding in 2023. 

Learn more: CAAT, Hide and Seek with an Arms Fair in Worcestershire| 

Who's exhibiting at SDSC-UK

A range of companies are exhibiting are the arms fair. SDSC-UK are listing them in their event website. You can get a flavour of the companies attending the event here:  

Featured exhibitor: L3Harris


Ultra Electronics


Bottom line, the arms trade drives death, destruction and suffering. The UK knowingly sells arms to nations involved in armed conflict and human rights abuses, including those in Bahrain, Turkey, Egypt, Philippines, Hong Kong, Israel, Saudi Arabia and beyond.

The arms trade makes everyone less secure

Firstly, we're terrible at keeping track of weapons. Many of the weapons used by Hamas in its attack on Israel were traded by western nations. Arms sold to allies like Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq have ended up used against western nations and civilians by forces like Islamic State, the Taliban and Hamas.

The arms trade squanders resources

We could convert the exertise and resources spent on arms for renewable energy and other social goods. In 2022, global military budgets hit an all-time high of $2.2 trillion, according to data released by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the eighth consecutive year of increase. This includes $112 Billion on global arms sales annually.

Not only could these resources be redirected to public goods like eradicating poverty and disease, they could be used more effectively for jobs. The UK arms industry is sustained by substantial subsidies that are not granted to other industries.

The arms trade harms the environment

Southwater Event Group says its values include: "Integrity: doing the right thing for our people, our guests and the environment."

But 'there is robust research showing the link between climate change and the arms industry. An estimated 5.5% of global emissions come from militarism, which is equivalent to 2.2 billion tons of CO2.'