Project Proposal

Team: Noah Treiman

I am going to use the STM32 Discovery Board to control the output of an old-fashioned electric typewriter, so that text may be sent from a computer and automatically typed out. The STM32 will use PWM on its GPIO pins to move two servo motors, which through coupling to belt drives, will move around a solenoid actuator over specified keys (the solenoid will be capable of depressing the key sufficiently that the typewriter types out the corresponding letter). The STM32 will use UART to communicate with a PC, allowing two-way communication with a PC for sending text. Additionally, an I2C temperature sensor will be placed adjacent to the power supply, such that the microcontroller may send a warning if the power supply overheats or catches fire. The solenoid actuator will be positioned using the H-Bot configuration, which allows for both stepper motors to be stationary thereby reducing the inertia of the moving parts. Interrupts will be used to sense end-of-travel and home the machine.


  • I2C Temperature sensor

  • UART

  • Servo motors

  • H-Bridge

  • 12V Relay


When the Bluetooth module receives a communication, the received characters will be placed in a que. One at a time, the characters will be input in a function that drives the two servo motors to the proper positions for each corresponding character. The locations of each key will be stored in a data structure. The function must drive the stepper driver the proper amount of steps in the right direction.