Join St Luke's Scouts

Our Sections

St Luke's Scout Group is extremely popular and is only limited in the number of young people it can take by the number of volunteers required to run the activities. Since the pandemic, we have experienced a massive surge in requests to join and our sections are struggling to cope with demand and maintain space in all sections for the members that we already have. 

As a result, we have decided to implement a traffic light system to be more transparent with the sizes of the waiting lists.

If, as a parent, you and some friends can volunteer to join our team or start another section, we would love to hear from you. Simply say that you're ready to volunteer with your application. 

Join our Waiting List


Monday Scouts - Unable to accept new members at the moment. Waiting list places available.

Tuesday Beavers - Unable to accept new members at the moment. Waiting list places available.

Wednesday Cubs - Unable to accept new members at the moment. Waiting list unlikely to gain a place. 

Thursday Cubs - Places available. Please apply.

Friday Scouts - Unable to accept new members at the moment. Waiting list places available.

Jaguars Explorers - Please contact the unit.

Team Members - Please complete form.

Friends of St Luke's Scouts (FOSLs) - Please complete form.

Join our Waiting List