Commission on Population and Development (CPD) - Overpopulation: 2050

It’s the year 2050; the world’s population has surpassed 10 billion. Earth has now reached more than its ecological carrying capacity, and even if the population flattens out, the worst has yet to come.

With resources being used up at alarming rates and the environment shutting down, this committee will first decide the best way to keep ecosystems from collapsing while considering the ethics behind the solutions to overpopulation. Climate change has irreversibly changed the earth, and not only is the environment desperate but so are large corporations, in the fight for limited resources.

Delegates will also look into the long-term effects of overpopulation and discuss deep-rooted issues, such as poverty and lack of education in developing nations. The committee will navigate through whether or not overpopulation can be attributed to centuries of neglect of the third world, and if social programs are the solution to getting back to environmental and social stability.

Will governments be forced to decide between the well-being of current and future generations to come, or the upkeep of their economy and the corporate interests? Or has humanity already fallen off the deep end from which they cannot return?

Meet The Team

Senior Chair

Brian Lee

Executive Chair

Hande Soran

Junior Chair

Victoria Pergola


Claire Seo