The Godfather

The Corleone crime family has had an iron grip on New York. From running the streets to having influence in the government, Don Vito Corleone has maintained his position to ensure operations run smoothly.

Having to constantly be on guard for your own life made the Don, a.k.a. “The Godfather,” a ruthless man. Despite this, he remained fair, always willing to reason rather than retaliate. After refusing an offer to get into the drug business, wanting to stay “clean”, an attempt was made on the Godfather’s life.

The other crime families are sick of the Corleone’s being in power and now with Vito in the hospital and his sons and those around them all looking for a seat at the throne, the leadership of the biggest family remains up for grabs. Who has the skills to become the next Godfather and take the most powerful position in all of New York?

Meet the Team


Jonathan Stringer


Amber Dhall

Crisis Moderator

Sara Arcuri

Crisis Moderator

Grace Choi

Crisis Analyst

Apollo Cezar

Senior Chair

Pe'er Krut

Senior Chair

Nesta Muthu