Personal Yoga

Personal Yoga Sessions

The goal of a personal yoga session is to provide time to address specific personal issues. These sessions are helpful for in-depth communication on adaptations and practices that would benefit the individual and to assist with development of a personalized home yoga practice. The length of a session is between 45-90 minutes and is based on what is most beneficial for each person's situation. Pricing and location for personal sessions are arranged privately. Please call or email Allison to schedule a session.

Meditation Instruction

Allison's life-long study of meditation inspired her to become an Integral Yoga® teacher. Her yoga classes are interspersed with inspiring quotes, and meditative exercises that can be used as a springboard for inspiration for each student's personal journey of self-inquiry. These practices include, art, journaling, yoga nidra, music, walking meditation, visualization, breath awareness, and mindfulness meditation. Allison is available before and after classes to provide support and suggestions for home meditation practice. A longer personal session can be arranged, if needed.