
Search : Stijn / VeganStijn - StijnOnline - Stijn Gabeler  

Stijn Gabeler initiated the name GODOGOOD on the internet since 1999, providing links and content about charitable organisations and social projects. Since 2007 independent PRESS Journalist, Since 2012 owner of GODOGOOD INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION, I’m Stijn Gabeler is an online journalist and a life coach helping people to stop addictions as smoking or drinking,

 A vegetarian since 8-8-2008 and vegan since 8-8-2018 living in hometown and birthplace Alkmaar, Nederland.

Stijn Gabeler isalso a global issues and EU related politics journalist and created EUIA PRESS, EUIAOJ and AEIJOU WEB to help starting Journalists to get free support and find ways to work together.

Writing blogs, songs, and watching or making movies/video content.

You can view GODOGOOD's sites and publications with a click on the button. 

Visit one of the domains to see more details and concepts.

/filmnewseurope ~ /nog1liedje/ ~/u3eu/ ~ GODOGOOD.eu

Stijn Gabeler is the initiator of GODOGOOD INTERNATIONAL since 1999. 

This name stands for the quality of doing good, being good, living as good as can be, ..

Knowing who you are, where you have been, where you are, where you are going and where you want to go, ..

but also about what you did, what you are doing and what you are going to do. 


Connect, Communicate, Create, Change, Control, Continue,.. 

Giving Charitable Organisations a place in your life and being able to reach out and support other people is something we can learn from eachother. By creating a supportive network / social movement / empowering and motivating platform / collective groups, all sorts of events and provide abilities,possibilities, chances, .. WE CAN MAKE LIFE BETTER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL.



Stijn Gabeler is de initiator van Stichting GODOGOOD en zoekt sociale contacten waarmee hij activiteiten kan opzetten.

zie de foto's van Stijn via Facebook.

Op Europees niveau doet Stijn Gabeler onderzoek naar migratiebeleid en de effecten op de economie in en buiten Europa, 

zie de publicaties en studies via : https://sites.google.com/site/eusocialstudiesresources/

Via Paypal of direkt naar de IBAN van Stichting GODOGOOD kunt U een donatie doen, waarmee u helpt om de projecten en producties vanuit #GODOGOOD voort te zetten.

IBAN NL45INGB0006385884 



Do you want to support us financially,

support us with 10 euro monthly, 30 Euro quartally, 60 Euro each half a year or 120 euro yearly,

more about GODOGOOD and all domains at:


Over Stichting GODOGOOD

Stichting GODOGOOD

Sinds 27/03/2023 zamelt GODOGOOD geld in voor : sites.google.com/view/tvpcb

The Vegan Padel Cafe Bar.

GODOGOOD.eu creeert via media de aandacht voor goede doelen en stichtingen. Dit om het bestaan en de doelstelling te verduidelijken en om een schakel te vormen tussen burger, maatschappelijk werk en het bedrijfsleven.

Stichting GODOGOOD maakten YOUTUBE filmpjes o.a. voor Leger des Heils, Dierenambulance nhnk. Gulukids, RIBW, Parlan.

Zie onze websites voor meer info : GODOGOOD.eu