Call for Full Manuscripts for Transaction on GIGAKU (Optional)

All the presenters of poster presentations in the 4th International Conference on "Science of Technology Innovation" 2019 (4th STI-Gigaku 2019) can submit full manuscripts in English to be published in the “Transactions on GIGAKU”, an online journal, which will be published after the Conference.

1. Submission of full manuscript is not mandatory for poster presentation in 4th STI-Gigaku 2019.

2. Submitted papers will be reviewed by reviewers with relevant technical expertise.

3. Only the manuscripts based on the poster presentations in 4th STI-Gigaku 2019 can be submitted.

4. Full manuscripts for review should be around 6 to 8 pages

5. Each manuscript should be accompanied with a cover page indicating Title, Corresponding author, E-mail, Category,

and the corresponding poster presentation in 4th STI-Gigaku 2019.

6. Each manuscript should contain page numbers.

An example of a full manuscript can be downloaded from here.


・Research related to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)

・Research on KOSEN and NUT Joint Research Grant

・Achievements of graduation work, special research, and teacher's individual research

・Research related to SDGs by KOSEN, University and Company.

・Industry-Academia Collaborative / Cooperative Project Report by company

Schedule for Transactions on GIGAKU

・ Deadline of submission: 2019. Dec. 18 (Wed.) ***Extended NEW!!

・Planned Issue Date : T.B.A.


Please submit your manuscript via e-mail.

E-mail address: (STI-Gigaku Student Organizing Committee)