


327 Jungang-ro, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 17579, Republic of Korea

한경국립대학교 차세대건축구조연구실 연구실원 모집



건축구조공학분야 연구를 함께할 연구실원을 모집합니다.

건축구조물의 구조해석, 설계, 유지관리 등에 관심이 있는 분들을 환영합니다.

연구과제를 통한 경제적 지원과 함께 학문적 탐구 및 배움에 대한 성취를 이루며,

전문공학인으로서의 경험을 쌓을 수 있습니다.

연구실의 국내외 네트워크를 통해 학계와 업계, 나아가 세상에 대한 넓은 시각을 갖출 수 있습니다.

학문탐구에 대한 관심과 의지만으로 충분합니다.

차세대건축구조연구실로 연락주세요.

International Application for the Following Position

Postdoctoral, Master’s Researcher Positions at the Structural Engineering Laboratory


The Structural Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Hankyong National University, started a long journey for a leading research group in South Korea with a passion for Architectural and Civil Engineering. The research laboratory has now ongoing research projects granted by Government. With stable financial support, we are actively doing research tasks. We’re inviting candidates for our research team members.


For Potential Applicants:

Based on research projects granted by the government, we are inviting promising foreign researchers to join our team. Applicants should have enthusiasm for research and good English skills for communication. Monthly stipend and settlement support, incentives depending on performances as well as tuition fees and insurance will be supported by the laboratory. It is expected that applicants would publish international journal papers during his/her appointment in the laboratory with the given or their own developed research topics. Should you are interested in joining our research group, please submit your CV with a brief research plan by email. 

Q1. What’s the difference between structural engineering, civil engineering and architectural engineering?

 - Civil Engineering: Structural engineering of bridge and foundation (usually with knowledge of soil and water)

 - Architectural Engineering: Building structures (should consider gravity load and lateral loads such as actions due to wind and earthquake)

Q2. Are courses fully taught in English? Or a student should possess some level of TOPIK to study and understand materials during the learning process?

Q3. How much do I need to get paid to survive in Korea?

Q4. How long does it take for master’s or Ph.D. course?