Universe Unknown(FYP)

Game description 

Universe Unknown is a 3D futuristic exploration game based in space. This game was made with a game engine called Unity 3D and has a target PC platform but can also be played with a PlayStation 4 controller. This game is a third-person game. It is set in the 25th century when you are a space explorer and your ship has been struck down by an asteroid. You have to gather 10 parts of the rocket ship which will glow yellow to escape the planet.

Weekly Progress

Week 18th October- Project proposal first draft will be done and basic movement for character is done.  I have also have a moving platform . I aim to get the models for the characters done in the next few weeks.  The movement was an asset from the Unit Asset store that I Imported. To make the moving platform Unitys animation was used to mark its start and end point.

week 8th November- animations are done for two of the ais. AI follow has been put on one of the enemies.  this was done by making the player instance in a new script and then referencing this as a transform so the AI would target the player. The Main menu and options menu has been completed. This was done by creating a new scene adding buttons and making a script that would control the buttons. I made the models for the enemies using blender, sound has also been put into the game. the sounds were put in by adding an audio source and dragging in the mp4 file.  

week 9th December - music and scenery done and all ai has movement. there are 4 different models all made in blender and have same script  but the look raduis is different on each.

week 16th December - UI is done for the main menu and win and loss screens.

week 23rd December - score and health system added with post-processing effects on the pick-ups. 

week 30th December - win and loss conditions were added to the game and particle effects for the fire were also added.

week 11th January- added hunger system and pause screen and started report 

week 23 January - added mystery item counter 

week 8th February - game was sent out for testing

week 1st march- all testing results came back. Added Hit indicator and adjusted Hunger system

week 13th march- added AI roaming and game sounds 

Universe Unknown Report

Universe Unknown Report