Destiny Awaits (Narritve game)

Destiny Await is a narritve adventure game made in the unity game engine.  IN this game the main player (Bonnie) has the power to switch realms and has to collect ingredients for a potion by completeing tasks set by different characters. there is an overlord who wants to steal Bonnies power so he can use it for taking over the light realm. the only way to stop him is to brew the potion and thow it him.


9th January - we dissused the basic idea of the game. I suggested a few ideas. We all agreed on what the game was going to be. and decide to call the game destiny Awaits.

23rd January - we all had a call and  we all got roles I picked to do the Main menu, StroyLine document and the world and Bio document. we made a trello board and I selected the tasks that was disscused in the call.

7th febuary - I created the gitlab and started a 3d project with a terrain. I then sent the invites to the rest of the team.

27 febuary - I added houses, vegetain, and a basic movemnt script that was imported from the asset store. I then made a similar second scene that was darker.

6th march - I made a main menu with functionailty to navigate to the first scene. I also started the World and Bio document.

3 April -I added more character to the scene and finshed the world and Bio document.

Tuesday 11 th april - I finished the Screen Play document and assited with the adding dialouge to the NPCs in the game.

16th april - the game was finished