Invited talks
"Rhetorical effects of rephrase/reformulation. Past, present, and future". AMoRe online meeting, 28.03.2024 (online).
"“That’s not what I meant”. Experimental evidence on the denial of insinuation". Speech and Normativity workshop, Cambridge University, UK, 14-16.05.2024.
"An experimental approach to some rhetorical effects of insinuation" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes & Tamlyn Adatto). AILACT Speakers Forum, 10.11.2023 (online).
"Cognitive pragmatic insights for qualitative research in argumentation". Qualitative research on argumentation", workshop at the Lorentz Centre, Leiden, Netherlands, 06.06.2023.
"An experimental approach to the rhetorical effects of pragmatic meaning in argumentation". Ethotic Thursdays, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 25.05.2023 (online).
“Two rhetorical effects of insinuation: an experimental account” (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes & Tamlyn Adatto). IMPAQTS conference, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, 27-28.04.2023.
"Oi mate, why hate? Hate speech below the linguistic surface". Darjeelinguistics, English Department Fachschaft, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 19.04.2023.
"COST-Action related projects" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes & Ramy Younis). APPLY Closing conference, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 23.03.2023
"Pragmatics and argumentation". Nankai Online Speaker Series on Argumentation, Tianjin, China, 03.03.2023 (online).
"Relevance, argumentation, persuasion". Guest lecture, "Cognition, Language and Communication", University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27.02.2023 (online).
“Insinuation is both committing and plausibly deniable”. Cambridge Semantics, Pragmatics and Philosophy Research Group, University of Cambridge, UK, 27.01.2023 (online).
“From pragmatics to argumentation: an experimental take on rhetorical effectiveness”, Cognitive Science Centre Research seminar, University of Neuchâtel, 03.11.2022.
"On rhetorical effectiveness", PhD Toolbox event, Doctoral Programme in Applied Linguistics: Managing Languages, Arguments and Narratives in the Datafied Society, School of Applied Linguistics, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), 05.05.2022.
"Pragmatic and rhetorical aspects of insinuation", ACLC Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15.10.2021 (online).
“Does plausible deniability prevent the attribution of commitment? The case of insinuation”. Workshop ‘Verbal communication and deniability: exploring the edges of pragmatically plausible and socially acceptable lies’, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 17.09.2021.
“Pragmatics and Argumentation”. Plenary lecture, The 7th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics PhiLang 2021, University of Łódź, Poland, 14-16.05.2021 (online).
“Emotion and Relevance“, with Tim Wharton, Constant Bonard, Daniel Dukes and David Sander. Relevance Researchers’ Network, 28.04.2021 (online).
“Pragmatics and argumentation: Theoretical, methodological and experimental considerations”. ArgLab research seminar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 26.03.2021 (online).
“Of Straw Men”. College Tour, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 20.11.2020 (online).
“Pragmatique de l’insinuation. Problèmes descriptifs et explicatifs”. Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 27.10.2020.
“On some pragmatic puzzles about insinuation”. Workshop ‘Misunderstanding, disagreement, manipulation’, ArgLab, IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, 22.06.2018
“Why and how do conspiracy theories spread? A cognitive and argumentative approach”. Invited talk at the Leiden University Center for Linguistics, Leiden, The Netherlands, 24.01.2018
“Cognitive pragmatic tools for the analysis of argumentation”. CSLS Doctoral Colloquium, Argumentation. Theories, Methods, Applications, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 11-12.11.2016
“Pragmatique et argumentation. Pour une rhétorique cognitive”. Keynote address, International Conference “La pragmatique aujourd’hui: concepts, notions et enjeux”, Université Tunis El-Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, 03-05.03.2016
“Eléments de rhétorique cognitive. Manipulation, argumentation et persuasion”. Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 30.11.2015
“Deception and implicitness. How to tell whether people mean what they don’t say”. Linguistics Circle, Bangor University, UK, 18.11.2015
“Charges of conspiracy in climate change controversy. The case of Werner Munter’s arguments against anthropogenic climate change”, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 25.09.2015
Series of 3 talks at the Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica:
“Estudiar la comunicación manipulativa (y no-cooperativa): problemas pragmáticos”, 04.08.2015
“Manipulación y restricción de selección contextual. Algunas herramientas pragmáticas para el análisis del discurso persuasivo y manipulativo”, 05.08.2015
“Inferencia pragmática y falacias. Aspectos cognitivos del procesamiento de argumentos”, 06.08.2015
“Discourse, cognitive processing and fallacious arguments”. Université de Neuchâtel, 13.05.2015
“Manipulation et arguments fallacieux. Une approche pragmatique cognitive”, Séminaire doctoral interdisciplinaire ADA, “Discours argumentatifs, discours manipulateurs”, MESHS Lille, France, 11.04.2014
“Why rhetorical questions are more argumentative than ironical questions. A pragmatic account”, with Thierry Raeber, PRAGLAB meeting, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, 06.10.2014
Series of 5 invited talks at the Universidad Diego Portales and Universidad de la Serena, Chile:
“Estudiar la comunicación manipulativa (y no-cooperativa): problemas pragmáticos”, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, 04.11.2014
“Manipulación y constreñimiento/restricción de selección contextual. Algunas herramientas pragmáticas para el análisis del discurso persuasivo y manipulativo”, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, 06.11.2014
“Inferencia pragmática y falacias: Aspectos cognitivos del procesamiento de argumentos”, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, 11.11.2014
“Herramientas pragmático-cognitivas para la reconstrucción de argumentos implícitos: una propuesta metodológica”, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, 13.11.2014
“Herramientas pragmático-cognitivas para el análisis del discurso. El caso de la manipulación y de la argumentación implícita”, Universidad de La Serena, Chile, 14.11.2014
“Commitment attribution and the reconstruction of arguments”, TAR Research colloquium, Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands, 04.04.2014
“Commitment attribution and the reconstruction of arguments”. European Conference on Argumentation (ECA) Workshop, “Argumentation and rational decisions”, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 05-06.12.2013
“Commentary on Dima Mohammed’s ‘What do we do with practical arguments? Accountability in political discussions about future courses of action’. European Conference on Argumentation (ECA) Workshop, “Argumentation and rational decisions”, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 05-06.12.2013
“Compétition modulaire:compréhension, raisonnement et argumentation”, Journée d’études avec le CRISCO, Caen, “L’interface sémantique – pragmatique – discours”, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 31.10.2013
“Métaphore et argumentation. Avantages rhétoriques et épistémiques de la métaphore filée”. Language, meaning, cognition Research Group, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 16.04.2013
“Humour et inattendu: aspects linguistiques et cognitifs”. Invited public conference, Galerie J, Geneva, 06.06.2012
“Why are fallacies effective? Cognitive aspects of argument processing”.TAR Research colloquium, Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands, 02.11.2012
“Manipulation, argumentation, langage et cognition : une approche pragmatique cognitive”. Linguistics research seminar, Université de Genève, Switzerland, 13.11.2012
“Manipulation through contextual constraining. A pragmatic account”. Language, Ideology and Power Research Group, Lancaster University, UK, 09.06.2008
Conferences and workshops
"Emotions and Relevance" (with Daniel Dukes, Tim Wharton, Constant Bonard & David Sander), 2024 Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE2024), Belfast, 17-20.07.2024.
"The more you believe in conspiracy theories, the less critical you are towards fallacies" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes & Pascal Wagner-Egger), 9th Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines conference (CADAAD2024), Adam Mieckiewicz University, Poznań, 10-12.07.2024.
"Insinuating a personal attack is more effective when the attack is fallacious. Some experimental evidence on the relationship between explicitness and fallaciousness" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes), 4th Argumentation & Language conference (ARGAGE2024), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 25-27.06.2024.
"Experimentally assessing the role of rephrase loci on persuasiveness" (with Jennifer Schumann), 4th Argumentation & Language conference (ARGAGE2024), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 25-27.06.2024.
" 'That can’t be left to stand'. The role of implicitness as a rhetorical strategy in U.S.A. presidential debates (with Menno Reijven), 4th Argumentation & Language conference (ARGAGE2024), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 25-27.06.2024.
"Does reformulating using numbers increase persuasion? An experimental study" (with Ramy Younis, Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes & Jennifer Schumann), 4th Argumentation & Language conference (ARGAGE2024), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 25-27.06.2024.
"The more you believe in conspiracy theories, the less you consider ad ignorantiam a bad argument" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes & Pascal Wagner-Egger), 13th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), ‘Argumentation and changing minds’, University of Windsor, 23-25.05.2024.
"Is insinuating a personal attack more effective when the attack is fallacious? Experimental evidence on the interaction between explicitness and fallaciousness" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes), 13th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), ‘Argumentation and changing minds’, University of Windsor, 23-25.05.2024.
"Pragmatic Phenomena in Argumentation. It is not only about what you say but also about how you say it" (with Jennifer Schumann), Workshop convened at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea, Athens, Greece, 29.08-01.09.2023.
"Insinuated vs. asserted ad hominems: an experimental approach to rhetorical effectiveness" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes), 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea, Athens, Greece, 29.08-01.09.2023.
"To what rhetorical effects? Experimental evidence on the rhetorical advantages of rephrase" (with Ramy Younis, Jennifer Schumann & Thierry Herman), 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea, Athens, Greece, 29.08-01.09.2023.
"Incorporating cognitive evidence in a computational model for persuasiveness" (with Zlata Kikteva, Jennifer Schumann & Annette Hautli-Janisz", 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea, Athens, Greece, 29.08-01.09.2023.
“Insinuated vs Asserted Ad Hominem: An Experimental Approach to their Rhetorical Effectiveness on Ethos” (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes), 10th ISSA conference, Leiden, 04-07.07.2023.
“To what rhetorical effects? Experimental evidence on the rhetorical advantages of rephrase” (with Ramy Younis, Jennifer Schumann, Thierry Herman & Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes), 10th ISSA conference, Leiden, 04-07.07.2023.
“On the rhetorical effectiveness of fallacies”, European Conference on Argumentation, Panel ‘Contemporary approaches to fallacy theory’, Università Roma Tre, Rome, 28-30.09.2022.
“Insinuated ad hominem: An empirical approach to its rhetorical effects”(with Daniel De Oliveira Fernandes & Pascal Gygax), European Conference on Argumentation, Università Roma Tre, Rome, 28-30.09.2022.
“Ancillary Arguments” (with Thierry Herman), European Conference on Argumentation, Università Roma Tre, Rome, 28-30.09.2022.
“Nature, features, dynamics and effects of rephrase in argumentation: a pragmar-hetorical approach” (with Marcin Koszowy), European Conference on Argumentation, Università Roma Tre, Rome, 28-30.09.2022.
“Experimental evidence for the rhetorical effects of rephrase” (with Ramy Younis, Daniel De Oliveira Fernandes & Pascal Gygax), European Conference on Argumentation, Università Roma Tre, Rome, 28-30.09.2022.
"Presentation of the book The Pandemic of Argumentation (Springer)", COST meeting, Rome, 27.09.2022.
"Arguing by rephrasing: Experimental and textual evidence on ethotic rephrase strategies" (with Marcin Koszowy, Pascal Gygax & Ramy Younis), Reasoning in text, Workshop at UNILOG2022, 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Orthodox Academy of Crete, 6-11.04.2022.
"Aims and scope of the AMoRe project" (with Marcin Koszowy), AMoRe kick-off workshop, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 10.03.2022.
"Rhetorical Effects of Implicit Meaning in Argumentation" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes), workshop 2021, University of Bern, Switzerland, 19.11.2021.
"Implicit Meaning in Argumentation: Functions, Uses (and Norms)" (with Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes), 3rd Argumentation and Language conference (ARGAGE2021), University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 10-12.11.2021.
“Manipulation in Exceptional Times: Exploiting overwhelming contextual parameters for deceptive purposes” (with Didier Maillat), International Pragmatics Association Conference (IPrA), Winterthur, Switzerland, 27.06-02.07 2021.
“A methodological proposal to study argumentative uses of rephrase: Cognitive and linguistic insights”, with Marcin Koszowy, Katarzyna Budzynska, Pascal Gygax and Barbara Konat, The 7th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics PhiLang 2021 (distant), University of Łódź, 14-16.05.2021.
“The Role of Rephrase in Argumentation: Computational and Cognitive Aspects”, with Marcin Koszowy, Katarzyna Budzynska and Barbara Konat, International Workshop on Computational Argumentation and Cognition (COGNITAR @ ECAI 2020), 8 September 2020.
“Norms for Argumentation in Democratic Decision-Making: Linguistic Perspectives”. COST International Conference on Argumentation and Public Policy, Reasons, Citizens and Instituions, European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis, University of Wrocław, Poland, 4-6 March 2020.
“Empirical evidence for the role of information structure (and connectives) on the acceptability of straw man fallacies”, with Jennifer Schumann & Sandrine Zufferey, ECA2019, Groningen University, Groningen, Netherlands, 24-27.06.2019
“Give the standard treatment of fallacies a chance: A rhetorical-pragmatic proposal”, with Thierry Herman, ISSA 2018, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4-7.07.2018
“What makes a Straw Man efficient? Three experiments assessing cognitive and linguistic factors”, with Jennifer Schumann & Sandrine Zufferey, ARGAGE2018, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland, 7-9.02.2017
“Humorous Miscommunication: The Enjoyment of Unintended Incongruity”, with Didier Maillat, 2nd Communication and Cogntion International Conference (COMCOG2017), University of Fribourg, 8-10.02.2017
“On the (mis)use of the conditional mood for rhetorical purposes: a pragma-rhetorical account”, with Alain Rihs, 2nd Communication and Cogntion International Conference (COMCOG2017), University of Fribourg, 8-10.02.2017
“Ad populum and myside bias: an empirical investigation into argumentative fallacies”, with Davis Ozols and Pascal Gygax, 2nd Communication and Cognition International Conference (COMCOG2017), University of Fribourg, 8-10.02.2017
“Pragmatic inference and argumentative inference”. 2nd European Conference on Argumentation (ECA2017), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 20-23.06.2017
“The incongruous, the deceptive and the humorous: types of incongruity and the revelation of deception”, with Didier Maillat, 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPRA2017), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 16-21.07.2017
“Conspiracy and bias. Argumentative features and persuasiveness of conspiracy theories”. 11th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), ‘Argumentation, objectivity and bias’, University of Windsor, 18-21.05.2016
“Commentary on McPherson’s ‘Eliminating gender-, racial- and age-biases in medical diagnostic reasoning’. 11th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), ‘Argumentation, objectivity and bias’, University of Windsor, 18-21.05.2016
“Repetition as a context selection constraint: a study in the cognitive underpinnings of persuasion”, with Davis Ozols and Didier Maillat. Argumentation and Language 2015: Linguistic markers, discursive processes, cognitive operations, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 09-11.09.2015
“Repetition as a context selection constraint: a study in the cognitive underpinnings of persuasion”, with Davis Ozols and Didier Maillat. 1st European Conference on Argumentation (ECA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 09-12.06.2015
“Commentary on Marcin Lewiński’s ‘How to conclude practical argument in a multi-party debate: a speech act analysis’”. 1st European Conference on Argumentation (ECA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 09-12.06.2015
“On the rhetorical advantages of humorous fallacies. A cognitive pragmatic proposal”, Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics 2015 (SWELL), Université de Genève, Switzerland, 20.03.2015
“Funny Fallacies and Self-Defeating Deception: The pragmatics of deception in humour”, with Didier Maillat. 2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA), UCLA, USA, 17-19.10.2014
“A cognitive pragmatic proposal to legitimise analysis and interpretation”. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analyses Across Disciplines (CADAAD2014), ELTE University Budapest, Hungary, 01-03.09.2014
“Why rhetorical questions are more argumentative than ironical questions: a pragmatic account”. 8th International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA) Conference. Universiteit van Amsterdam (Uva), Netherlands, 01-04.07.2014
“When humour defeats manipulation: a pragmatic account of puns using Context Selection Constraint”, with Didier Maillat. 13th Conference of the International PRagmatics Association (IPrA), New Delhi, 08-13.09.2013
“Reconstructing argumentative discourse: a question of relevance”. 13th Conference of the International PRagmatics Association (IPrA), New Delhi, 08-13.09.2013
“Pragmatic constraints on the interpretation of conditionals in argumentative discourse”, 19th International Congress of Linguists, Université de Genève, Switzerland, 21-27.07.2013
“Trust based on bias: cognitive constraints on source-related fallacies”, with Chris Hart. 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), ‘Virtues of argumentation’, University of Windsor, Canada, 22-25.05.2013
“Commentary on: Frank Zenker’s ‘Know Thy Biases! Bringing Argumentative Virtues to the Classroom’”. 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), ‘Virtues of argumentation’, University of Windsor, 22-25.05.2013
“Détourner l’attention : une fonction rhétorique des arguments humoristiques?”. “Usages et fonctions de la rhétorique”, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. 16-18.05.2013
“Modular competition: When understanding gets in the way of reasoning and evaluating”. Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 6, University of Warsaw, Poland, 25-26.09.2012
“Trust based on bias: A cognitive and evolutionary treatment of the rhetorical effectiveness of the ad verecundiam and ad populum fallacies”, with Chris Hart. 4th Tokyo Conference on Argumentation, 10-12.08.2012
“Why are fallacies effective? Cognitive aspects of argument processing”. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analyses Across Disciplines (CADAAD2012), Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, 04-06.07.2012
“Rhetoric and cognition: Towards a relevance theoretic account of argumentative effectiveness”. Encuentros de Pragmática Intercultural, Cognitiva y Social V (EPICS V), Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain, 14-16.03.2012
“Is manipulative communication non-cooperative?”. 12th International PRagmatics Association 12th Conference, Manchester University, 03-08.07.2011
“Why and how do we deal with straw men?”, with Marcin Lewiński. Communication and Cognition 2011: Manipulation, Persuasion and Deception in Language. Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26-28.01.2011
“Metaphors and consent in political discourse: a pragmatic view on some perlocutionary issues”, with Alain Rihs. Critical Approaches to Discourse Across Disciplines (CADAAD 2010). University of Lodz, Poland, 13-15.09.2010
“Relevance for effectiveness: cognitive underpinnings of argument processing”. 7th International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA) Conference. Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands, 29.06-02.07.2010
“The cognitive determinants of manipulation”, with Didier Maillat. Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models III (UICM3), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 05-07.02.2010
“Pragmatique de la non-coopération: problèmes théoriques”. Groupe de Recherche en Sémantique et Pragmatique, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 25.11.2009
“Communication manipulatoire et non-coopération: quelques pistes pour une étude pragmatique”. Journée jeunes chercheurs LALIC, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Angers, France, 11-12.06.2009
“Can intention-based theories of meaning construction account for uncooperative communication?”, with Didier Maillat. Critical Approaches to Discourse Across Disciplines (CADAAD2008), University of Hertfordshire, UK, 10-12.07.2008
“Constraints on contextual selection: Pragmatic views on manipulation”, with Didier Maillat. 4th Lodz Symposium: New developments in linguistic pragmatics. University of Lodz, Poland, 15-18.05.2008
“Can implicitly derived contents integrate a commitment store? A cognitive pragmatic account of commitment assessment”, with Louis de Saussure. International workshop IADA 2008: Word meaning in argumentative dialogue, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, 15-17.05.2008
“Commitment and attitudes in reported speech”, with Patrick Morency. 10th International Conference ‘IPRA’ (International PRagmatics Association), University of Göteborg, Sweden, 08-13.07.2007
“What did you say he implied? Inferring commitment from explicit and/or implicit markers in reported speech”, with Patrick Morency and Louis de Saussure. The notion of commitment in linguistics’, University of Antwerp, Belgium, 11-13.01.2007
“Inferences on commitment from verbal prefaces in reported speech”, with Patrick Morency. CUSO Doctoral School in Language studies, Leysin, Switzerland, 19-22.03.2007
“From Pragma-Dialectics to Pragma-Semantics: Can Argumentation Theory and Relevance Theory be Interfaced?”. Critical Approaches to Discourse Across Disciplines (CADAAD2006), University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 29-30.06.2006
“Pragmatique, modularité et métareprésentation”. Research day SNF, project ‘Usages non descriptifs des expressions temporelles’, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 16.12.2005
“La manipulation dans les discours péronistes (1943-1955): Aspects propositionnels et non-propositionnels”. Research seminar in linguistics, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 01.06.2005
“La manipulation dans les discours péronistes (1943-1955): Stratégies de manipulation linguistiques et non-linguistiques”. Training course for high school tutors, High School “Les Coudriers”, Geneva, 05.2005