Titular Professor


About me

My main affiliation is with the English Department at the University of Fribourg, where I am Titular Professor in English Linguistics. In addition, I also teach as a lecturer at the Institute of English Studies (University of Neuchâtel).

Prior to that, I held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Fribourg and at the University of Neuchâtel (2013-2016), as well as a fixed-term assistant-professorship in French Linguistics at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (2010-2012). I also held a visiting studentship at Lancaster University (2008-2009) during my earlier academic days as a PhD student at the University of Neuchâtel (2005-2010), where I defended my PhD dissertation in December 2010.

I served as vice-chair of APPLY, COST Action 17132 (European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis), am vice-chair and founding member of the steering board of ECA (European Conference on Argumentation), and founding member of the CoRReA (Collectif Romand de Recherches sur l’Argumentation). I am currently running two SNF-funded research projects (IMAFUN and AMoRe). Find out more about my research here.