Publications and Preprints
Pythagoras numbers for infinite algebraic fields (joint with Nicolas Daans, Siu Hang Man, and Pavlo Yatsyna), arXiv version
The density of elliptic curves over Qp with a rational 3-torsion point or a rational 3-isogeny (joint with Lazar Radičević and Matteo Verzobio), arXiv version
Local-global principle for isogenies of elliptic curves over quadratic fields (joint with Jeroen Hanselman, Angelos Koutsianas), arXiv version
Arithmetic-geometric mean sequences over finite fields Fq, where q ≡ 5 (mod 8) (joint work with Natália Bátorová) Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society,; arXiv version is longer and has a survey part that the accepted version does not have!
Computing p-adic heights on hyperelliptic curves (joint work with Steffen Müller), Mathematics of Computation,, arXiv version
Linear quadratic Chabauty (joint work with Steffen Müller), preprint, arXiv version, accepted for publication in the Israel Journal of Mathematics
Reverse Engineered Diophantine Equations, Expositiones Mathematicae,, arXiv version
Cubic and quartic points on modular curves using generalised symmetric Chabauty, (joint work with Josha Box and Pip Goodman), International Mathematics Research Notices,, arXiv version
The density of polynomials of degree n over Zp having exactly r roots in Qp, (joint work with Manjul Bhargava, John Cremona, and Tom Fisher), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society,, arXiv version
Curves with sharp Chabauty-Coleman bound, The proceedings volume for the Simons Collaboration "Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation", Springer Series `Simons Symposia', arXiv version
A faithful 2-dimensional TQFT (joint work with Zoran Petrić, and Sonja Telebaković Onić), Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Volume 22 (2020), Number 1, arXiv version
Variations on the method of Chabauty and Coleman (my PhD thesis, main part)