
22. August 2021

All times in China Standard Time (CST, Beijing Time). CST is UTC/GMT+8.

Location: was online and virtual via Zoom

13:30 h

UTC 05:30 h

Introduction and Kick off

Stefan Heinrich, Shingo Murata, Yukie Nagai, Yuichi Yamashita

13:45 h

UTC 05:45 h

Takamitsu Watanabe

Global and local brain dynamics underlying typical and atypical human intelligence.

14:20 h

UTC 06:20 h

Takuya Isomura

Reverse engineering Bayesian aspect of canonical neural networks.

14:55 h

UTC 06:55 h

Jun Tani

An analysis of meta-level cognitive processes of a variational recurrent neural network model when acting with the environment.

Break 15:30 - 16:00 h

16:00 h

UTC 08:00 h

Marcel van Gerven

How can the brain match the unreasonable effectiveness of backpropagation?

16:35 h

UTC 08:35 h

Breakout Session

Anna Deichler, Kiran Chhatre, Jonas Beskow, Christopher Peters

Takafumi Soda, Ahmadreza Ahmadi, Jun Tani, Manabu Honda, Takashi Hanakawa, Yuichi Yamashita

Hayato Idei, Wataru Ohata, Yuichi Yamashita, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani

Yoonsuck Choe, Jaerock Kwon, Jaewook Yoo

Ilaria Bavazzano, Carlo Mazzola, Giulia Belgiovine, Maura Casadio, Alessandra Sciutti

Sarah Fabi, Sebastian Otte, Martin V. Butz

17:10 h

UTC 09:10 h

Panel Discussion

Takamitsu Watanabe, Takuya Isomura, Jun Tani, Marcel van Gerven, Yukie Nagai, Yuichi Yamashita.

Moderation: Stefan Heinrich & Shingo Murata

Close 18:00 h