
As contributions, we invite submissions of extended abstracts (one page including references) on ongoing research that focuses on one or several of our guiding questions (see Home page). Contributions will be included as presentations and discussions live in the program (all online).

All contributions will are made available below.


  • Extended abstract submission deadline: 11.07.2021 - 25.07.2021

  • Decision & Notification: 25.07.2021 - 01.08.2021

  • Camera-ready version due: 08.08.2021

  • Workshop online: 22.08.2021

Accepted contributions

Extended abstracts will be published here on the day of the workshop.

Anna Deichler, Kiran Chhatre, Jonas Beskow, Christopher Peters

Spatio-temporal priors in 3D human motion

Takafumi Soda, Ahmadreza Ahmadi, Jun Tani, Manabu Honda, Takashi Hanakawa, Yuichi Yamashita

Simulating Atypical Development of Hierarchical and Probabilistic Representations

Hayato Idei, Wataru Ohata, Yuichi Yamashita, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani

An account of sensory attenuation by free energy principle

Yoonsuck Choe, Jaerock Kwon, Jaewook Yoo

Prediction, Resilience to Change, and Evolution of Consciousness

Ilaria Bavazzano, Carlo Mazzola, Giulia Belgiovine, Maura Casadio, Alessandra Sciutti

Context dependency in a social rehabilitation scenario

Sarah Fabi, Sebastian Otte, Martin V. Butz

Does Compositionality as a prior in Generative RNNs lead to efficient learning of temporal predictions?